I think I may need a few local friends...
this is a conversation (basicly) that I had with my hands (ie my left talking to my right) in the shower.

"Le Bat du Homme?"
"Ne Pas Le Bat Du Homme? Le Hommedu Bat."
"Le Homme du Bat? Pour Qoi Le Homme du Bat?"
"Le Bat du Homme et "Je Suis Bat du Homme!!""
"ah Oui...
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I spent ove $500 today... opps... at least it wasn't in just one store... and I got lovely new shoes.
nothing to say right now.. just wanted the text wall gone. smile
So I started my new job... I love it.... well I love the idea of it right now anyway... good pay, lots of room to move up, and decent benefits.

I'm enjoying Brampton so far, I live in a great area where I am. I've been looking at the schedule of the Rose Theater here.

I'm trying to decide if I want to go to...
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So I got myself all moved... it's nice to be moved to Brampton... very odd little city, lots of it seems upper middle class slum. Seems that most of the city that I've seen so far was built in the 70s and really not much has been improved... but it's still a neat little city.

I went to the grocery store that I've never heard...
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Most everything that can be is on the Truck and will be arriving in Brampton tomorrow... I get on a bus at 2:15 tonight and arrive in my new home in the morning. biggrin I am not even excited, not because of a lack of awesome but due to the fact that icky movers are doing the move and not me. In none of my adultish...
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Hmm. I've helped many a person move. I've moved a couple of times myself. Never involved the pros. As you said, just seems wrong.

Good luck on your travels.

(Not only can I tell you that Chris Knight said it, but I'm one of those poor souls who die a little inside when I make the reference only to receive a blank stare.)
being sick sucks... particularly when you have your method of moving complete changes 10 days before, and like 6 or 7 boxes need to be repacked.

at least I'm getting fluids in me know..

Lost 10 pounds since Friday though biggrin always a bright side.
So in 2005 my life kinda went to hell. Things were not good. At some point, either then or a year before I packed up my kitchen stuff.... including flour and spices, vinger and apparently T4s.

I just found that box, and decided to toss most of it. lol.. I don't think 4 year old flour and coco is going to make good food. smile

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Oh thanks so much for that, it made me really happy. What a great way to look at things, that made me smile :-)
ahahaha. well thank you!
Next Samhain I'm gonna host a Rocky Horror Picture Show viewing, full costumes encouraged, audience participation kits will be provided. This is my year long project to get prepped for... it'll take that long to find a decent pair of heels and pearls.
I've been playing the crap out of Uncharted 2. Started my Crushing play through last night, after a extremely frustrating Boss Fight that is only annoying because you have to time so much right, In fact just about everything that could go wrong on the Hard run did. I ended up needing to do the museum court yard four times to get the last guy....
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why thank you dahlinggg.
Why do some people have such a hard time finding things online?

My Ex was online tonight looking for music samples for her class in China, and after two hours and not finding what she was looking for, for free.. I typed two words into Google and the first link had everything she needed.

How is it that people can't find these things. I'd really...
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