Next month I'm going to perform my show two times. The first time is in Huddinge for a small audience with different attention disorders. The other one is a public gig in Linköping. With the few standup gigs I have this spring it makes a small tour...


What no one really seem to expect when starting out in Standup Comedy is that you can love the stage as much as you want but the stage might never love you. Starting out in comedy with the intention to have fun and being prepared to work a lot for nothing is more likely to get you somewhere than if you are aiming at becoming...
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I tried performing in english once during my first year as standup comedian. For many reasons, like "It's hard enough getting gigs in swedish", I haven't done it since. But things have changed. My performance onstage is better, if it wasn't I would be a bad and stupid comedian, and there is a few more places in Sweden to perform in english.

But there might...
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There is some things in my life that is holding me back. Bad economy and the fact that I live far away from the big stages. But I know what I am doing while doing comedy and I am good at it. So here's the deal. I am never going to let these things make me abandon my dream. Period. Rag.

In fact. Finishing my...
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In a few weeks I celebrate six years in stand up comedy. This year, I will fokus more on getting bitter gigs and working with my one man show about living with Aspergers syndrom. Also, I will work a lot more with my girlfriend, she is a comedian too.

My boss at my dayjob has in a way sugested that I should quit comedy. He...
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