I have let my hair grow out long because I have never really had long hair before. Two things made me realize that I needed to do it. The hair on top of my head is slightly thinner now and I thought it could be a last chance now to have a ponytail without a bald spot. Earlier, when I have had slightly longer hair...
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Enjoy your long hair, use accessories (if you like); then if you want colors, look for a place that you can dye your hair with care. I believe you can do this 🖤. After all, if you want to cut your hair, do it, find a place where you can dye your hair carefully and do it again. You have to do whatever you want, there's nothing better than doing what we want. 💌💋
i loved your look baby you are amazing!!

I got a teddybear when I was five years old. It has been with me since, so this teddybear looks rather abused... A few years ago I found a similar teddybear but without the wear... And I have always been thinking that it is like they where before and after-images.


To get some more experience and attention for what I can do, I contacted a Swedish satire-news-source and asked if I could write for them. I had seen some off their work and figured that they needed level up on their satire and comedy. Some off their articles where too close to the normal news so a lot off people shared them as facts... which...
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Next month I'm going to perform my show two times. The first time is in Huddinge for a small audience with different attention disorders. The other one is a public gig in Linköping. With the few standup gigs I have this spring it makes a small tour...


What no one really seem to expect when starting out in Standup Comedy is that you can love the stage as much as you want but the stage might never love you. Starting out in comedy with the intention to have fun and being prepared to work a lot for nothing is more likely to get you somewhere than if you are aiming at becoming...
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