I added some of my pictures from Denver, a few from LA. Today was a day. Hugo woke me and Jeff up because his car broke down, so indtead of making pancakes and laying in bed till noon I bought oil, and helped people. And I'm mad at myself so it has no moral value.
Buffets are the coolest thign ever. i went to a...
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I wouldn't think it would change the value of literature at all .... Biblophiles will buy literature no matter what ... Just throws around some good book kharma....

Kudos on the $4.25 to feed 4 people at the buffet ... That sounds like fun ...

And if I really love a book I don't have to give it away at all.

Check out the site ....


The particular link is for a piece of fiction about India I am releasing ...

btw picture 5 is definetely LA I think looking down on the million dollar theatre downtown on broadway ... although downtown LA is not the true center of la la land.

have fun in Kansas.

edmund davis
Burn......Man I can't find people today. Maybe I need to be cool and get a cell phone. Naw... I went to class today, that was an accomplishment.
Love is beautiful
love is beautiful. it has been a long time since I have been in love.
I'm thinking I still don't have any interesting stories. I fell asleep in my car last night. A girl in a Catholic school uniform called me a dyke.
The Circus was a lot of fun .. I was way up on top of MSG though ... the elephants were really cool

kiss crazy Catholic school girls.
I was mean today. Maybe I had good reason. I'm not appretiative when people are so high all the time that I can't distinguish them from a retarded person. I like a few drugs, and I'm not anal about people doing them. But thats because I respect them. Getting high 5x a day says something. If it doesn't interrupt normal life then whatever, but if...
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If you were mean it was probably for good reason. I agree with about the drug thing. It is OK to ramble if it makes you feel better. God luck with the new job. Take care
Jeff took me to Byblos today for lunch. We saw my yoga teacher and she covered our bill. I want to get her a gift, I don't know what yet.
Nothing else is going on. I'm going to start dreading my hair next week. It'll be rad.
well... depends how much was the bill for.. and get her something around that price heh heh..
yay for dreads! blush
It sounds like your yoga teacher rocks .... keep the good kharma rolling ... ecq
Man. Its a moody period day. I want to fall asleep with my lover but there is a downfall to living with your parents. They have rules. Most are bendable, and they don't care. But no boys in my room overnight. bah!.. This weekend is his birthday, perhaps we can do something special then.
Someone e-mail me a motivation package so I'll do my homewrok.or...
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i am sure you will find time together somewhere ... its all good .. ecq
I saw Dawn of the Dead today!!.. I'm still in Denver. Right now I'm at the studio. Josh is going to record me saying
"The Daisy Chain clit lickers want your cock for the grand finale!"
I rule
Jeff is touching my boob
I have buisiness to attend to.
You do rule
my sum would be small as well (i'm at a non-profit too), but i fortunately have a few credits built up from my days as a student, and i can still use them 2 years later. smile
I like this Denver place. Jeffrey met me here. SO everything has been beautiful and glorious.
denver is beautiful...
awesome..are u still there?
Going to Denver tommorrow
coming back late next week.

I wanna drive to LA, but it would be very tiring, I don't know if I'm up for tiring events.

For some reason it doesn't feel like I'm traveling tommorrow and I'm a little sad. It might be because I miss that lover man of mine. I sent him a present today. He sent me a...
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I've felt like that before traveling.. and it does suck frown Oh well.. good luck in your trip biggrin
I wanna do it...

I feel like I'm a whore in pretty woman today... but in the good way

I don't really have to much to say. I am reading the Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Good stuff.
i feel like a pretty woman today too!! i guess its ALL good heh! wink
Its been a day or two. I'm at my yoga teacher's house, she is so sweet. She gave me some extra money for my Denver trip. I'm going to buy her flowers, or maybe I'll just leave all the petals on her doorstep, they'll spell " Thank You". I went to school today and I also went to Subway and had a free sandwich. Gotta...
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Have fun! I love to listen to The Vapors/New Clear Days. Also The Clash box set.
Have a good road trip.

I don't have a specific favorite driving song or album, but my man and I usually listen to some David Gray and some Tragically Hip whilst on the road. smile