Quick note:

The other night I was at a party at my ex-girlfriend's apartment (long story, suffice it to say I didn't really want to be there and she knew it). When I left, a friend told me my ex said she was impressed that I actually showed up and even stayed for a while. Beyond proving that I'm an idiot by getting my hopes...
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I so want to have sex with my ex. Bummer about the 3000 miles away part, and she is convinced that we have broken up. How do these things ever happen? ?!?
YES! My team are champions of the First Annual Happy Valley Hat Tournament.

Can I say the Valley fucking rocks? I got to play some awesome ultimate with some of the best players in the country, and it was so spirited (which is ultimate talk for everyone getting along and having a good time with it).

Highlight of the day: Anna's horizontal layout for the...
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Good news- got a promotion. I'm gonna be doing all photoshop work for the company, including images shot in our studio. This is totally exactly what I wanted. By the end of the Summer, I'll be totally out of the chemicals, and hopefully some of my sanity will return when I am able to sleep two extra hours until 7:45 am! (Shout out to Impulsive...
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Guys are oink but girls are jealous haters, you can't win
When I left the house yesterday, I felt oddly drunk/hungover. It was nice. I didn't put anything in my body the day before, I was just dehydrated. Every once in a while I get loopy without any help.

I wandered around town for a while. The air was crisp, with a hint of October. My mind was almost empty. Well, for me it was a...
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yay good for you biggrin

You want this? Why? What makes you "unstoppable."
Oh, so sore. The tournament was awesome. We got off to a slow start- the college kids are definitely way more used to partying all night then waking up early for tournaments.

We decidedly cleaned up, though. We even beat one team 13-1. It was pretty harsh. We worked the disc downfield like the pros we are, and there was just nothing they could do...
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Thanks. You also live like 2 towns over from me. Go figure.
sounds like life is going awesome for you wink

my "boy" who is like 12 years older than me has disappeared from the face of the earth for a WEEK. frown

and so he fucks me and then disappears and fucks me and disappears. so thats why i get sexually frustrated.

i feel like an engine trying to start but can't coz the fuel keeps on clogging up.

or i dunno. i know nothing about cars.... confused

Ultimate disc.

Sooo excited for the first tournament of the season tomorrow.

I'm playing on the Hampshire College Alumni team (Rusty Scoober). tournamentHampshire's hosting a ten team tournament from 9a-6p at the college (feel free to spectate). It's a good thing it's going to be raining so hard, so no one will be able to tell that the other teams have been crying...
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they're a little emo. you'll just have to bare your teeth and froth from the mouth. no one will get confused.

It took me so fucking long to find my Orbital Diversions EP. It was in some other CD's case.
Cocktail party at 250.

The parties at 250 are always fun, but this was a little weird for me, not neccesarily in an interesting way. First of all, we were all dressed up like respectable adults, owing to the fact that it was a cocktail party. Still, I expected the usual debauchery, as we're talking about 250 here.
When I get there, there are real...
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A late Passover update... (Juice is lazy, and refers to himself in the 3rd person).

Every year (well, for the past two years) my house has hosted a sacreligious seder; A bunch of our friends get together and openly mock religion (it's ok we're Jews, and we mock other religions at the same time).

We follow all the steps, our way. Here, I partake in...
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that looks like fun.

i should go celebrate a jap holiday....


i dunno any around this time of year. lol.

maybe i should go back to kyoto in august to celebrate my ancestors coming back to earth for a sec.

this is a legitimate jap holiday btw. a week long celebration with our ancestoral spirits. we get to drink and eat and rejoice as well. blush biggrin
thats awesome biggrin
Things I forgot about NYC:

Central Park in Summer. There's something strange about seeing a sea of people sunbathing in a field after you've been living in the Happy Valley. I guess we've just got so much opportunity to relax in nature, we don't feel the need to gather en masse on the only available green. It i so steroeotypical City, though, to see a...
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i've never been there, it sounds like i'm missing out on a great city frown
I kinda miss New York, but that's probably because the last time I was there:

a) I walked by Sparks Steakhouse one Sunday morning (in midtown obviously) and then saw Gotti that afternoon on HBO, and

b) A friend of mine and I completely fucked our brains out in Tudor City
Things I'm thinking about when I should be going to sleep (now):

How the hell did I get here? At one point, I was going to be a firefighter. I signed up for the test and everything. Then I got the job I have now, and since it paid twice as much, and I didn't have to risk my life, I went for it.
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I know what you mean about people being stupid. Thinking about that often makes me reconsider my current life plans.