Sooooo Busy. Anatomy studying is insane. I'm a little bit scared because six weeks for a 14 week class is insane. But I know a lot, and I love what I am learning.
Work is nuts and they keep schedualing me to close. It sucks a little but I guess it's not too bad.
School sent me a check. Money I didn't expect is always...
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oh...why are you taking an anatomy class?
i've taken those...it was fun, but a lot of memorizing.

you're lucky to have a pool!
i wish i had a pool!

Anatomy is AWESOME. I remember the hashings-over for my emt class and wanting to do more in that field.

Then again, it would have scared the other people in my class if I had asked.


Silly people.
I started my new Job today. It was really fun, and everyone there is great. I think I'm going to like it there.
I start class on the 20th. Anatomy 4 days a week. It''s nuts, but I think I'll like that too. Things are looking up for me.

All you need is love and beer...to be happy! smile
lots and lots of beer.
I found a great way to get free beer! Go to a show with a member of the band!
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
I make my schedual today at H&M, hting is I might have to take some summer classes because I've decided to become a chiropractor and need some science requirements that I didn't take in college. Go figure after four years I decide I should have gone premed. Better late than never. I suppose wink
Awesome. Get over here and fix my back. Sweet christ I'm in pain.
I suck at updating, but mostly because shit is boring right now. I inch ever closer that Madison everyday. They keep houding me to interview more and more. But my life is just in limbo. Problem is I was never very good at limbo. I always fall on my ass when the bar sinks too low. I'm trying not to do that this time.
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Update......cause I neglect to, mostly because I have to use the house computer because getting a wireless router to work with sprint dsl is not easy apparently.
Anyway, I got a job at H&M which rocks because I heart discountsplus it's a kick-ass company to work for. I am still hunting for a publishing job so if anyone is reading this and has connections in...
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woohoo for jorrrrbs!!!

what are you guys doing later? I am working till close but maybe we could figure something out.....
Congrats on the money making!

No stress for the two-piece. The nice weather is coming so get ready to show some skin!

Well things are looking up I suppose. I have an interveiw with a financial firm next wed. I'm pretty excited about it cause I want a job without a nametag damnit! I also found and applied for my dream job! I want it so bad. I'm going to pester them for the next two weeks untill they give me an interview.

I have lost 6...
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When would you be moving? If it's before September we'd totally have to hang out. Otherwise I'll be up in St. Paul. Oops. lol.
Ok it's been a while, but I have been job hunting like a maniac and trying to get wireless in my house but it isn't working frown .
The NIN show was amazing. I real religious experience and I will be seeing them again in november if finances allow.

I applied for a job with Simon and Shuster today! I hope to god I get it....
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Yes that last line is a perfect end to my nineties weekend.....

Thanks so much for coming out last night and dealing with the traffic hon. i am sorry I didn't know it would be so horrible. Damn turnpike.

a Crow reference biggrin kiss

good luck getting a job!smile
So today the family is descending apon me. They're in town now actually. Tomorrow I walk, so pray for good weather. And then it's back to the dirty jerse, and hangin w/ Iggyand eternaland doing somehitng with my life.

If anyone is going to the NIN show at Hamerstein Ballroom tomorrow night let me know we can chill cause I'l be there.

eeek OMG...
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NIN!! LUCKY!! My keyboard player is there, arg!!

You live in NJ? Where?
So how was the NIN show?
Time and Tepature at the tone....Beeep
11:39 am, 72 degrees F. smile It's summer in Ithaca.
I love this weather, unfotunately my sinesus do not, I gotta get some alergy meds.

OOOOOH before I forget about the best junk email ever...I forgot that I friended Billy Corgan on live journal. I never comment or anything but I read it like the obsessed fan that I am,...
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youre hot. kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Disarm is probably one of my favorite songs. But in general I think Corgan's just got a cool voice. Made Fleetwood Mac's Landslide sound really odd.
I've been partying since tuesday eeek wink It started to catch up with me last night though so I went to bed at eleven. I haven't done that in almost a year, but it was awsome.

If you haven't seen Iggy's set yet you need to it's awsome. love She's hot.

The fam is coming up at the end of the week, I'm pretty excited. As is...
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I tried but after about 5 shots I was dead! Thanks for the birthday wishes and yeah I loved Iggys set too! skull
1. name: Punk
2. single or taken:Taken, very very taken.
3. sex: F
4. birthday: October 19th.
6. siblings: 6 of em yep were Italian and Catholic.
7. hair color: changes frequently
8. eye color: Brown with gold in the middle.
9. shoe size: 9ish.
10. height: 5'7.
11. education: I am a college Grad (in ten days).
12.current residence: Ithaca, New York.
13.birthplace: Secaucus...
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I don't know. I'd fill it out in response, but that's a lot of work. I will fill in boys names though Ionhar, Ronan, Conri, Conner, or Lorcan. No Irish decent here, nope nope nope.
I'm sooooo doing this - but posting it in my journal for random peeps to see - sorry for stealing it!! kiss
It's been a while. So much happened in the last two days, but I'm just going to give ya highlights.
Assemblage 23 was amazing. They are as good live as on albim which is not always the case with electronic music. It was an intense show. The croud was great and I had a blact.
I finished my senior writing project. After 11 hours of...
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Good luck Judy! Thanks for the inspiration. smile
I've only just taken my second midterms and have one more to go before finals at the end of the month. Take care and kick ass! wink