"Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
I often find myself inexplicably drawn to click the "end friendship" button on a lot of peoples pages, just to see what happens. Do you suffer from this urge?
Should be home the first week of October. I feel really conflicted about it, to tell you the truth. I love it here, but this trip has been a fucking nut-roll. Besides that, I totally bit off more than I could chew signing up for another semester of school. This shit is driving me fucking insane. Should have learned my lesson after the first time. Anyway... Yeah. good times. Self-inflicted stress is the worst. lol.
I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of

a bird feeder it is, as I filled it lovingly with seed.

Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the

continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.

But then the birds started building nests in the boards

of the...
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Cribs (military edition):

Talked to Kieran yesterday; what a cool guy he is. He said he had been meaning to contact you about an apartment rental or something like that, but had been swamped. I have some dudes cruising up here from there tomorrow, but it was nothing he could really assist me with, seeing as it was not out of his office. Meh...

What has been going on?
I am bored to tears. skull

Please, someone entertain me

Sign in to Adium!
Ummm.... We won (and by "we," I don't mean us gringos)...

I'm so proud of these motherfuckers, I can't even explain... They are fucking hard as nails and kicked MAJOR ass...
Stop reading my journal and go to dearest Temper's journal and help keep her out of jail!

The Temper is even willing to give you a pic of her beautiful self in return for your help.


I just don't know what I will do if I can't read Temper's journals. Plus, she has a sweet puppy that needs her and would be...
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Huuuy.... Metro-fights... Never a good investment. blackeyed
Wanna see something that will make your blood boil, make you cringe, and make you fucking hate pussies?

Man stabs woman to death in broad daylight while chikenshit onlookers film it, offering no asistance, and the brave ones offer little more than the occasional, weak, and ineffective kick to this fucking pathetic, piece of shit, psychopath until he has stabbed her more than 70 times....

**Disclaimer** This is one of those things that you can't "un-see" and it has stuck with me all day. Fuel for the fire, but it will make you go insane with rage for the people not helping this poor lady...
- I don't drink because drinking affects your decision making

* You may be right, I can't decide
I still love my new car! Its making me miss my car racing days even more.

Other than that, I'm still counting down the days I will be in DC. About another 1 1/2 years more. But, I'm having a decent time in my current position. I like the travel and being in the mix of things so I can't complain. Life is good.

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wink kiss kiss kiss kiss biggrin
Got my new car yesterday (Sat)
It's fuckin awesome!
It's a BMW 135
Te veo... Por qu no ests en Adium?
wink kiss kiss kiss
I think of the ocean as it sways me from side to side
Bringing me an ocean of happiness
Bringing me an ocean pain

All its allure and beauty, never ceasing its calls to me
While ashore, they nearly bring me to insanity
Only surrounded by its chaos do I find peace

I long to stay within its comforting embrace
I know only there, will...
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thank you for your comment on my new set! xoxo
Sooooo.... The milair bird broke down in Bogot... Going BACK to the airport AGAIN today. I have now been travelling for 6 days and have made it as far as one flight from ATL could have gotten me in 4 hours.

Sweet. I'm fucking beat. My back is jacked up and I'm running out of clean shit to wear... What are you up to?
I think of the ocean as it sways me from side to side
Bringing me an ocean of happiness
Bringing me an ocean pain

All its allure and beauty, never ceasing its calls to me
While ashore, they nearly bring me to insanity
Only surrounded by its chaos do I find peace

I long to stay within its comforting embrace
I know only there, will...
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Fucking weird thing happened today. At 6:10 there was an explosion 2 blocks from the hotel. Reminded me of "over there." I looked out the window and waited a few seconds, saw the smoke rising, threw on some jeans, grabbed the camera and I was at the front door of the hotel as the first police truck cruised by. Cause, I figure I'm gonna have to answer some questions later and I'm just nosey, so.

But that's not the weird part. The weird part: as I get close to the scene, I can see onlookers, the po-po have secured the corner in 1/2 block increments, and as I start walking up to the orange crime scene tape, I pass this couple sitting in a doorway--fucking LIQUORED UP, with 2 almost empty bottles (a fifth of smirnoff vodka and a fifth of chivas regal). As I pass them, the girl starts talking to me, "Oye, vos... Vos... VOS! La poilicia...blah, blah, blah"... I ignore her, of course. She continues to shout at me. I get to the scene. Looks like a gas explosion. Either that or a very poorly planned act of violence. I mean, seriously, who blows up a closed Frisby's Fried Chicken joint at 0610 in the morning??? I dunno, but whatever. All the businesses with windows unprotected had damage and the Frisby's was fucked up. But, as I am taking just a few more shots, I look back at this couple, they are joined by another girl now, who is totally destroyed and sleeping in the doorway. These people have, quite obviously been out all night boozing in the street. I take one more photo and start to put the camera away and the couple have approached and are standing about 20 ft away. The girl has apparently drank herself "invisible" because she thinks I can't see her motioning towards me and the guy is giving her the "go ahead if you want, but I am not in on this" look. So, I figure it's time to go, shit's about to get stupid. I turn and start walking away. This drunk bitch starts following me, "Vos... Vooooossss! Aye!" I pick up the pace. I hear her like jogging towards me. I look back, she stops and stares at me, "Que mas?" I turn to walk away again-I hear her jogging towards me again. I look back, she freezes in her tracks. Reminds me of being chased by a fucking dog that only wants to attack if you're looking away. I tell her to go away. She starts walking up and saying, "Huh? Huuuuh?" I turn to walk away again, she grabs my arm. Not in a nice way, like grabs me like a man would. I twist my arm outside and slap her wrist away, she grabs me again, I do it again, she tries a third time and I parry her hand away. Then shout at her, "No me tocas!" She stands there with this blank stare and says, "Y qu ms, papi?" So I turn and step it out, back to the hotel and as I'm walking I'm trying to figure out what the fuck that was all about and it strangely reminds me of the incident in Panam. It was just fucking weird. I was thinking how different that shit would have been if the dude had approached me with her, that would have been intimidating. It was a bizzare, semi-violent, weird, strange, I-have-no-clue-what-the-fuck kind of thing. I don't know if she found me attractive, wanted my camera, wanted money, or what. It was just fucked up.

So, I'm outta here tomorrow. It has been an awesome trip, but I'm smoked. Total suck-fest that I have to spend the night in Miami again. I'm so ready to be home. Think I might try to fly stand-by on the flight tomorrow night. We'll see. So, yeah... It's 0815 in the morning and I've already seen an explosion and been accosted by some drunk. Now I'm going to the gym. surreal
I think of the ocean as it sways me from side to side
Bringing me an ocean of happiness
Bringing me an ocean pain

All its allure and beauty, never ceasing its calls to me
While ashore, they nearly bring me to insanity
Only surrounded by its chaos do I find peace

I long to stay within its comforting embrace
I know only there, will...
Read More
Are you bored? lol
Lucky guess?