When I mention that I don't really like techno/electronica, people always assume I'm just being a music snob. I tried to explain to my roommate exactly what my problem was with dance music and she seemed weirded out, so I'm beginning to wonder if my take is a unique one and I feel the need to clear things up.

It's not a question of snobbery;...
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I'm a dork and proud of it. smile Crazy music theories! But it is nice to hear a very interesting view. O_o!
Hey stranger! We absolutely have to get together before saturday afternoon- I have something for you!
Update: Job interview went well. Surgery went well but was profoundly gross and equally uncomfortable. At least, they tell me it went well. I am not allowed to look at it (no, really), so I still have not even seen the work. Also, all of the foods that I normally eat are forbidden. I would not be surprised if I drop 5 pounds in the...
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I love Avenue Q! danny_g and I have been semi-obsessed with for over a year now!
Your scooter set will be twice as hot, that's all.

And I am SOOOO making you eat hashbrown casserole on tuesday night...
An addendum: I'm interviewing today to be an office temp. I always kind of thought that that was a 'those who can, do; those who can't, temp' thing. What happens if they turn me down? Wouldn't that be a bit like being turned down for sex by a hooker? whatever
How is your face feeling, sugarblossom?
Everyone I know who has temped has found it to be a gateway to great jobs. Of course that's a grand total of two people.
The people at work think it's a good idea to cut cake by setting the pan on the counter, bracing it against their hip and pulling the knife toward them with a shocking amount of force. The cake pan, I should add, has rounded sides. The knives are dull. People have actually tried to train me to do this and get very frustrated when I...
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From Wiktionary.com:


1. A seraglio is the sequestered living quarters used by wives and concubines in a Turkish Muslim household.
2. An interior cage or enclosed courtyard for keeping wild beasts.


Not a blind date, but it was a fix-up. Janet had seen me only from the chest down, however, and I was wearing tight bike shorts.
ooo. theres a difference.
I try not to post 'Customers Say The Darndest Things' very often, partly because most of them are only funny to me, but also because I could post about that every day and never talk about anything else. I have to make an exception for this one, though, because it's just too funny.

My two favorite customers came in today. They're an eccentric couple who...
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Dear Diary,

Today I...

*talked to my reference at RBC
*picked up my prescription
*filled out the Blue Cross form and mailed it
*bought Christmas cards, wrapping paper and ribbon
*wrote a personal note in every Christmas card, addressed and stamped it and put it in a pile to be mailed tomorrow
*wrapped Christmas presents
*picked up an application form at the library
*applied in...
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Yikes. That's more than I accomplish in a week sometimes!

Hey. Come by my house today if you get a chance... I want to give you that book.
wow, you had a very busy and eventful day. totally pits my slacking to shame.
Just in from a busy day of banging my head against the wall on the job-interview front. It started when I woke up to blinking numbers on the alarm clock and realized that there had been a power outage and I had slept in FOUR hours. No, really. It was like a bad movie. And, frankly, it's been downhill from there. I feel like Maggie...
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So apparently, they either changed the date for the ACAD sale since I looked it up or it was misprinted because I just found out I missed it! I could honestly cry. I looked it up at least a month ago and wrote it on the calendar so that I couldn't possibly miss it. I sure as hell can't afford normally-priced art, so this was...
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We will go to the next one, it just gives you more chance to save.

I was also quite disappointed.
that sucks. frown
Oh, and while I'm getting caught up...

A happy, happy birthday to lyinghostage and an equally joyous belated to meanwhilethecat.

It was great to see everyone last weekend (last weekend? I think it was last weekend); thanks to zenFish for being so considerate as to also have a birthday, thus creating an occasion.

What is it with you people and birthdays? Is getting older...
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thanks so much for the birthday message.

*is flattered*

this is the first birthday ive had in a looong time that was actually fun.
Better than pictures, I think we should get together sometime this week! How bout it? You up for some Cori time?

And as for the toothy research- I'd love to hear what you've found out. So far I'm not sure about this one... It may just be because its swollen and the jewlerry is too big, but it rubs badly on my gums when I eat. I may have to repierce.

Anyway, ramble ramble. Give me a call sometime this week if you like... 830-9559. kiss