
I have found a new enemy of sleep.

I finally sold out all of my pretentious anti-aol dogma and downloaded AIM.

Yikes. I got lost in SG chat. I looked up and it was like 3:00 AM. I need to learn to type faster too.

In other news..I used a sewing machine for the first time ever last night while making some pants. That...
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Wow, I didn't even realize that last night was your one of your first times on AIM! I coulda sworn we've talked before... Thank you for commenting in my journal. It's a wonderful thing to come home to after making smoothies for yuppies all day.

bientt, mon petit choux.
I'll be making your tape the next few days. I hope you like it. smile There's a lot of wonderful music in Memphis. I'm excited about sending some of it your way.
A relaxing weekend at last.

I just chilled the fuck out all weekend. Lots of cuddle-intensive sleeping in with the girlfriend. Big breakfasts. Yummy pots of rich coffee mixed with cardamon, cinnamon, and sugar.

I was super productive in the home-studio, for a change, I finished and mastered three tunes this weekend. yay. Me thinks I'm a gonna send a tune to sixsixty.....

On Saturday...
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the problem is that when I try to go to sleep I get bombarded with thoughts and my heart starts speeding. Now I wouldn't mind if I could be productive like doing jumping jacks or something, but the real problem is I can't...I end up feeling to sluggish and head back to bed and then it starts back up again.
yeah! the alley! rod! do you sing there, too? i love to sing there!

sixsixty and i were planning on going there together sometime (as soon as my life calms down and i can actually get out), so maybe you can come, too! or maybe we can plan something on the hook-up boards.

you guys would have to SING, though- i don't want to hang out there with a bunch of people if i'm the only one singing!
Did anyone get the name of that elephant that stepped on my brain this morning?

Its 1:50 and I have been at work since 9. My head is just now ceasing to throb. My little experiment last night to replace all my essential bodily fluids with alcohol seems to have had some undesireable side effects.

Curry last night was a trip to say the least....
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I think I managed to leave at just the right moment. I could see things were heading downhill fast and it was time for me to get my beauty sleep. THat was fun. I'm bummed I'll miss next thursday.

Hahahha.. I wanna hear about the disasters. smile

*begin freak out*


*end freak out*

I'm having a real hard time with the fact that my job requires zero creativity or independent thought. I initially thought that it would be nice to have a job that I would not think about outside of work, but dammit, this is 40 hours a week of my life. The SF job scene is a...
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my first tat can be found in the october 94 issue of national geographic. it was found on the body of a 2400 year old scythian woman who was frozen in ice in siberia. it's in blue ink, right b/t my shoulderblades. i should have a decent pic of it soon. it was done with cheap ink by a not very good artist though (i was 16? 15? when i had it done, illegally) so i'm gonna cover it up and re-do the design on a shoulder.

you should get aim so we can chat while you're at work or something smile

Just sayin' "hey". I've been sick and working all week so i'm layin' a little low.

I've been on both sides of the creaitive/non-creative job thingie...both have their pitfalls to me. I find it really hard to feel creative every day...yet i feel the need for it constantly when my life doesn't require it. That kinda makes sense, right?

ya know, probably the happiest in the balance of creativity i've ever been was when i dated an artist. She was immensly (sp?) talented but would have brain lock when standing in front of a canvas....so she'd come ask me to quit working or playing a vid or whatever i was doing at the time and pitch out a random idea. Almost every single time...it ended up involving that side of my brain for a few minutes or hours and her creating some amazing peice that was both what i had envisioned and not...

...in essense, i guess i was a muse for a while....i think i like that role best.

Good luck in your seach of balance...and get a job at GV for crying out loud, i need someone to call who'll mail me the HK vibrator. *GRIN*
Tough start to the week. I totally forgot where I parked when I went out to work this morning. (This happens to me a lot since I typically park 3-4 blocks away and don't drive my car for a few days sometimes). AND I left my lunch at home, which means that I have to buy a burrito or something, which, as much as...
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i can totally sympathize about wanting a dog. or a cat. or some sort of loving, fuzzy pet. i'd even take a human, for that matter. wink

hey dooder.. could you go to


and tell me what you think? i'm still slowly trying to build a fanbase before i slowly release my next disc
mmmmmm...groggy and tired, but grinning.

Curry was chaotic. The food took so long that I had forgotten that I had not eaten yet. It was a wonderful and animated bunch of people and teh conversation immediately had the relaxed air of a group that has just enjoyed a big meal and is now sitting around rubbing their bellys. I was actually startled by the food...
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hey, i would've given you a zine free of charge.
i should have offered but i was too starved to know
which way was up.
next time i'll bring one for you.
saddened we missed it!! but i got really sick at the last minute. frown next week!
Not much to report,

I got my swerve on off of Jagermeister and Beer (a combination which, when mixed together, is not unlike Cherry Cola) last night with my girlfriend which is fun and something I should do more often. (Getting drunk and silly with my girlfriend that is) That was our plan for the evening: Lets get drunk. Our parents would be so proud....
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yeah! curry is like a block from my house tonight.
Your joke on phaedra's journal kicks ass. You're a good man for sharing it. It's been months since I heard a good joke that I could also tell to people. (some of the other stuff I've heard is funny, but so twisted only I seem to laugh at it) anyway. Thanks

I just ate two burritos, and I don't mean two taco bell skinny burritos, I mean two mission district burritos. I do that a lot which is strange since I am so skinny. I bet when I get older I'm going to have the biggest gut in the world. I bet I'll name it something and talk to it a lot.

In other news,...
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I make my own burritos. I usually eat them twice a week. Black beans, cilantro, maybe some corn, super hot salsa, cheese, and sour cream. MmMmm...

best local drunk! haha i'm gonna have to petition to have that added to our local "best of" vote in the free weeklies.
groggy and grumpy this morning.

must...make..caffeine product.

In other news, I have discovered that I, unfortunately, have the ability to make skateboarders fall by telekinesis. I used to think that all of the skaters in San Fran were just whack, becasue they always scrub within a few seconds of me watching them but I have noticed now that they seem to be just fine until...
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i have 2 really weird powers:

1) i'm a super mega radio signal conductor. my exact positioning in a pretty big room totally influences radio reception. it sucks ass cause i'll go and adjust the station and i'll go back to my bed or something and all of a sudden it'll go from perfect to incomprehensible *grumble*

2) streetlights go out right before or as i pass under them ALL THE FUCKING TIME. they never go on, they never turn off after i pass under them. every single time it freaks the shit out of me.

and i have no metal plates in me i swear :/
I'm so sleepy. I want coffee.
its been a mellow weekend on joryland.

I watched Donnie Darko (thank you mr. Donkey) finally. I dug the movie, though I can't help but feel it did not fully expolre all of the avenues it created.

I managed to actually sit down and answer most of my e-mail backlog which was a major accomplishment since I am the biggest e-mail flake in the world....
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ok that seals it, i have to see donnie darko. you're about the millionth person in the last month who's mentioned it. i'm so out of the loop!

and yeah, burning man should be good for getting rid of loneliness. i'll probably be ready for a little solitude/decompression after that.
Hey, if inkedGrrl can convince you to make that cd, i'm in for one to please.

I'll have to check out Donnie Darko
Um yeah,

SO curry was swell as ever. Yummy Thai-goodness. Kinda bummed that the table layout did not allow for talking to everybody, but it was great to see some new SF peeps in the flesh: floppy, piningshaft, hep, mitten, bionicfemme

wow I think I just did a shout out

lots of groovy non-SG folks too.

As always the Metro was in full effect with...
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hey, that reminds me. i still need to send you an email about that gay porn job you wanted.
auctioned off on "he-bay"...uh oh. one day, when i am out there in SF, i too will join in your celebrations....until then, keep rockin' in the woods.
you know what? I really like grapefruits. thats just how it is y'all.

I heard "93 till Infinity" by Souls of Michief, which was like the official album of my 84 mecury marquis station wagon that I drove my senior year in high school. it gave me crazy flashbacks to hotboxing my car, which had pimp-ass tinted windows, in the high-school parking lot with my...
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you know what i like.....pomogranites (sp?_

how badass is that delctable delght...
takes a bit of getting used to, but oooh the dramatic fruit.

I like grapefruit too.

let the killing of your hair go...give your scalp a break for a little bit then go back to it.... you may actually enjoy it...


a 35mm life
Talk to EricAllen. He directs porn. biggrin