So life is boring as FUCK right now. Ain't shit going on lately but work as usual. Congrats to Court for becoming an official SG now.
work is work.....rite there with ya
So I have the worst luck with Blackberry phones. The Sprint store told me Blackberry has the worlds most reliable phone yet I've had two that crapped out on me for no reason. Fine when I go to sleep and wake up to a phone that doesn't work. Took it in to the store and they have never seen the problem I have. Go me...
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It's already storming here <3
I hate cellphones too, mine tend to do odd things like not receive calls then give me the voice message days later
So my car is a piece. I haven't gotten it fixed because I can't figure out the problem thus I've missed work a ton at one job. Most likely have to quit that one asap since I can't get there. I need to hit up all my friends who either work or know a bunch of people that work on campus bars to hook me...
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cars suck! especially when they are pieces!! hope to see you soon!
hello my lovely future friend...kiss
So totally forgot my account expired until someone said something to me about it the other day. Well I'm back per say haha. Anyway my luck lately has sucked. I nearly spun out on 270 while driving in the rain the other day and slammed my car into an impact barrier. Yea I'm ok and all but my front right headlight is busted so I'm...
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im on summit and 14th, dont be a stranger
omg, ive done that! but somehow i didnt hit anything. at least youre ok!
Yaaay today is a good day. Porcellana's set is live and up in review so go check it out and vote if you haven't seen it. Love ya girl! Other then that I've discovered that Rain-X is a gift from the heavens and I have no idea how I've went this long without it haha.
loooveeee u mutha fuckkaa!
rain-x is in fact amazing. Great for the ski goggles too.
Boyz II Men!!! That's right kids I saw boyz II men tonight at the dublin fireworks and t was aweeeesome. I know it doesn't seem like it but I'm a huge fan haha. Dublin fireworks s always so much better than columbus. My night was bad ass! Not to mention the four tops performed as well so great motown night. Boyz sang Human Nature by...
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Sounds like your 4th was pretty damn cool man! awesome <3
Red, White, and Boom! The huge fireworks thing in downtown Columbus. Now I haven't been down in a couple years so I decided to go down and yea I regretted every minute of it. Such a pain in the ass to get down there and park. Then you're walking for EVER to find a place to post up. Not to mention all the ghetto and...
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yea I decided not to bother and just walking down the street a little I saw plenty of ghetto and white trash. :/
Exactly why I refuse to attend the fire works in my town >_>
Comfest Comfest Comfest! haha Comfest was pretty sweet this past weekend. Met up and saw a ton of SG and non SG peoples. Sold a couple rice krispy treats to some folks and one person was passed out most of the day and woke up at night lost as hell lol. Oh I also cut most of my hair off...yea big props to everyone at...
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i'm coming back tonight! i can't wait to fill you guys in on all of the stories, & thanks again for the ride to the airport
Comfest sounds amazing.....sigh** one day whatever
So I'm sittting here playing loaded questions with some people and I must say it's pretty fun. All and all I've been good. Haven't done much since the SG party but work so yea it's pretty lame. Oh yea I took itsafork to the airport...and yea thats about it. Nothing new in my hood so this blog is just to let you know I'm alive!
Good to know you're still around <3
So I've been playing Tiger Woods 2010 like it's my job haha plus I've been doing some yayo to keep myself awake for work since I basically work everyday sometimes both jobs the same day. So sleep is not part of my life as of late...it sucks hardcore. When I want to sleep I can't because of work. Either way tomorrow is gonna be awesome......
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so little update here. Had today my paid memorial day holiday at work today so yay for no work and boo for having to go back tomorrow ha. On a good note Hell City is this weekend...YAY. So looking forward to that a lot. Also uploaded a couple pics and that's about it.
Oh boyy SG night at Spice coming up.. Lets get shitfaced again.