Has anyone been to the malls lately? I was beaten by two old ladies and pushed around by a bunch of fucking soccer moms. You always hear hippies talk about Consumerism. But, damn, it was like a something out of a Zombie movie.
I refuse to go to the malls between Thanksgiving & X-mas. I don't do it. Ever. It's not worth risking my life.

For your Viewinf pleasure

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zy0d1HbItOo&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zy0d1HbItOo&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
I'm stealing your comment I think.
the one about being sweeter than the other onions.
This is the deal.

The snow is coming, everyone is hibernating, and everything is SLOWING DOWN. It's kinda' nice but making me bored. Since I'm a slacker and only work part-time right now, I have way too much free time on my hands and am getting "antsy". I need a project or some new wild friends.

If anyone has any suggestions on how I should...
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wink I loves ya' people!!!!

Read my profile, It seems like so many people have many, many, many hang-ups. I'm glad to see everyone taking time to let go and artistically exposing themselves. I bet it's liberating. Maybe I'll try it sometime. But, I'm sure almost all really just want to see women.

Women, you look soooo much better naked than any of us. Take Pride! smile
I wish that all the cool kids I meet on here weren't so far away. My town is boring. I love my friends, but I haven't made new friends for years and years. I just wanna drink caramel machiattos wif some new buddies.
It's strange.
Everyone I meet seems to be hard up for cash. Young or old it doesn't matter. I don't know if it's this region of the country or not, but I find it a little upsetting that so many people are struggling financially.
Since I'm a politics nerd, I wondered to myself if this is the after effect of the conservative takeover?

Regardless, let's...
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that's why I've been hoarding my markouts- I'm broke. Everyone gets coffee. dammit. ARRR!!!
I HAVE FINISHED FINALS!!! So now I am going to drink Tequila and make some poor choices. If Anybody is going to be in the Tremont area on Friday, look for the guy making out with the telephone pole. puke puke puke
I want to see PICTURES.
This is where a sober camera person becomes very useful. wink
Damn cold weather got right on top of me. I'm Sick!!! For all of you in warm climates... kiss off. Dirty, cold Cleveland doesn't miss you anyway. puke
To Whomever reads this:

You're only young once in your life. With that being said, let's put down all of our hang-ups and be free for the time being. As much as most of us would like to think, we can't "keep it real" until we're old and feeble. The world catches up to you.
With that in mind I say let's start a cult...
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I'm completely for this. Count me in. Life is too short....
Hell yes! so does this mean i can quit my job lol because its not fun
I think it's funny that people's opinions change so rapidly (myself included). Whether someone hates, loves you, or is indifferent... it will change over time. I love that!!!
There is this bathroom book called " The Four Agreements". This Shaman guy makes a great point when giving advice to life. He says " Whether people love or hate you, don't take it personally...". It's true,...
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My problem is I take it personally. And I'm officially paranoid schizophrenic.
And: Hi!!! I just saw your friend request. I'm going to add you in a moment.
And further regarding what you said: you're right people can turn on you on a dime. But people are so hard to get back, I find, once they're gone - or I push them away - sometimes unintentionally or unconsciously.
Today has been a strange culmination of the last year of my life.
After my birthday on the 3rd., I realized that it's time to " shit or get off the pot". I gots me one of them college edu-macations in all ,but... no clear idea of my working future. It fucking sucks!
I'm a Law School reject working a shitty part-time (legitimate) job. Still,...
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greetings. surreal