Woo. I get to go drinking tonight - not that I couldn't go any other nights... but tonight I have a cute girl to go with smile. I think her girlfriend might be coming too... Regardless, I know the owner of the bar so it should still be a small bar tab no matter how much we drink.

Started working on the amp cut-out on...
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Mmm another T-giving dinner tonight. not leftovers, fresh food. That -I- made. Mom didn't feel like cooking so she sent me out shopping. In the snow!! We're still getting it. 3 inches and counting. And now I'm back at my dads, playing on SG again :-p and reading all my 11ty billion forums and webcomics.

Date (sorta) tomorrow. I've known her forever.. since 4th grade...
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I'm back from dinner. It was weird, again. But the food was good, and it was free, and came with beer.

I chatted with BeckyJane for a bit, and then we both started feeling un-chatty and went our own ways. SO! i looked at random SG's and members photos. Just wow. I couldn't even begin to make a list of favorites.

I joined SuicideBoys, because...
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I'm in Los Angeles. Thank you so very much for the compliment. Where in WI are you from? My mom's family is from Green Bay... I have been there many many times.
Tgiving day smile Happy Turkey day everyone! Late night, Late morning, slept late, late dinner... Just busy being lazy. And playing around looking for car bitso nt he internet. It's -really- hard to find 240sx stuff for the coupe version, rather than the hatchback. Apparently people want to race the hatchback and NOT the coupe... why? I have no idea. The coupe is lighter, and has...
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Car talk puts me to sleep.

Like turkey.

Well, after a 5.5 hour drive, I'm back in WI for a week. Its weird having to go home, and then to a condo to visit my mom. T-giving will once again be strange this year - one day with Dad, one with Mom... but such is the way of things. At least i get really good dinner twice :-p.

New pictures are up, not...
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Hello fellow Iowan.
Hello thyself smile Fellow Iowan.
Eeep! So... much.. to do. I'm in the midst of packing to head home to WI for T-giving with the 'rents. Gonna see some old friends, drink a few beers and hopefully stay out of jail.

On a side note... I sent a "message" to someone on here - i think it went through email.. if she writes back will it show up as a...
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your e-mail. biggrin be expecting a note back shortly. wink
Hello everyone smile Since I don't any uber sexy pictures up I doubt anyone will look at this, but maybe I'll gather a cult of obesessed SGirls to stalk me.

Hey. I can dream right :-p -JinX
welcome. biggrin
Welcome to the site!