What's everyone dressing up as? I haven't dressed up in years, but since it's on a Friday this year, one of my friends is doing a Halloween themed party at one of the bars I go to in town and I'm thinking of going...if only I knew what to be! lol

But I'll try and change that. With that said, how is everyone's Fall going? What are you dressing up as for Halloween? And can you believe soon enough it will be Christmas and then 2015? Wow, where does the time go?!!


think I posted this before but I'll do it again. Feel free to add me on Snapchat....JerseyJay14 :)


Good morning! So, it's a little after 8 in the morning here in NJ on a Sunday. I should probably be studying for the CPA exam, but I kind of don't want to. It's not a bad thing, I'm actually about 5 days ahead of where I should be in my studying program if I wanted to take the exam August 15th....and I'm actually thinking...
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How exciting was the group play? And if you had told me two weeks ago that England, Spain, Italy and Portugal would all be knocked out in group play while the US advanced, I would not have believed you! Since SG is global, tell me, who are you rooting for? I think the US has a great shot vs. Belgium, but I still think it's...
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Ok, so the World Cup is starting next week. Since I follow, and have some followers, that are from all different nations, I'd like to ask....what is your World Cup prediction? I'm from the US and even without Landon Donovan, I'm still making the bold prediction that the US will make it to the Quarterfinals before being eliminated. Yes, that means they will beat Portugal!...
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So tomorrow is my last ever grad school final. It's for a class that isn't a requirement for my major (Accounting) and one in which I already got an A- on the midterm....so you can understand why I'm procrastinating studying on a Friday night. Also, this site is quite distracting :)

I never really sleep much, so I'm sure I'll get up early and put...
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....this is easily the best $48 I've ever spent! I'd spend 4 times this amount to be able to see such beautiful, fun, intelligent women. So thank you SG for doing what you're doing with this site, and keep it going! :)