I try to keep the momentum 70% of the time these days.

Show was great last weekend. More connections, more friendlies, fun, songs played too fast make my hand dissappear during a solo. I found a place to move to finally! Fuck yeah. It's just around the corner so I don't have to rent a truck or drive all over the place. I can finally...
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Thank you smile You're sweet. What's your band called?
yay! it sounds like things are going great for you. I'm Happy for you.

No sabia que tenias gatos I bet they are happy too.

smile smile miao!! smile smile
Really, I'm just a nice guy silly asshole friend. I just realized. surreal bok ARRR!!!
Fuckin' A.
Kent. surreal bok
I sketched some new songs of mine out today at the space! Yay! This song is sort of about this old guy I work with who is approaching death and a little bit about a young lady I have a giant crush on that i'm trying desperately to date. It's like a cradle to the grave story. Whatev's

I'm tired, gonna go now. Just thought...
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cool songs .... is that you singing?

y como va el espaol?
Almost spring... the temperature is above freezing finally and movin' up. Can't wait to kick some ass this summer. It's gonna be a good one, i can just feel it. miao!! ooo aaa
When winter is finally over, I will fucking rejoice. This one realy sucked. No snow, sub-zero temperatures for the last month and a half. Every time it gets warm for a day, the jet stream turns around and falls south and slaps us in the face with artic death frost.
Fucking shitty. For the forseeable future the fucking temperature will stay below 32. This is...
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it will get warmer... i love cold weather but it never gets THAT cold here.
Ahhhhhello my friends. It seems I'm back for a bit. What the hell, right? It's winter still in MN, and I have time on my hands. So i figured i'd check in on all my pretties and say some hellos.

Winter has been a clusterfuck of emotions for sure. I think I nearly lost it a couple times. My ex-lady friend moved back to her...
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Welcome back wink

Thank you for your lovely comment on my new set!
Ahhhhh yes. Due to my faulty financial calculations and to lack of nescesity, I'll be leaving this site. Who knows, the lovely mermaids on this great pretty ladies site may lure me into their ocean again some day, but for now. Adios. I can be found on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/jeremiahdoering. I wish you all well doing whatever it is you want to do with yr. lives....
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university of michigan smile
Straight maxin'. smile
Blah. Lonely Sunday. Rainy. I love the rain usually, when I can enjoy it. I'm too stressed right now. Life is overwhelmingly shitty at the moment. Broke, diselusioned, jaded, jealous, frustrated. At least I have a day off. ARRR!!!
Finally happened. In the most mutual way. My lady and I split today. frown It was totally inevitable. There just wasn't any time. And we both have things we're trying to do with our lives. It's hard. She was super awesome. Of course we're still friends. But, we're pretty much on our own from now on. Time to wander out into the future I guess. whatever
yeah fuck cysts!! gr

sorry about the break up frown
i'm a good listener if you need some lady advice

and thank you for commenting my new set
you are amazing.. haha