Sometimes I really really miss being a kid. Your friends were just the people you had the most fun with, no bills, no self esteem issues, no thought of how your actions may affect EVERYONE else. I miss the fun amd innocence and simplicity.I miss that sense of understanding. Ykno that sense of " While I may not know much and I ask lots of...
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I miss being a kid sometimes too. School was easy, but I hated having to go to church.

yep, still waiting to be buckled in completely. biggrin
Holiday blues have been getting me down lately.More so than any year I can remember. Not sure why. Could be mainly my unhappiness at the new job. I just really feel like I dont fit in there. I dont click. Makes me feel uber self aware. Moneys getting a little tight at the worst time. Im worried about my dad. I wicked miss my sister....
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aaaaw. What is it with this time of year?
I hate Spiders. And I hate cars. And I hate the overwhelming need for money.

I love Matt. And I love Matt. And I love Matt.
Will I never be enough?
Not what you had in mind, I know
Even years later still not fitting your mold
Cant or wont be the cookie cutter you want
Do I give up my will for the sake of love?
Is it easier?
No thoughts or decisions of my own?
To be a shell
To be hollow
To be void
Is that what it...
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puke Le suck. Had to go to the ER yesterday. Been sick for like a week and then yesterday I started coughing up blood. Tired to go to a cash clinic cause I have no insurance and they said no you have to go to the ER we dont treat stuff like that. Yea. So now I have lost hours at work for which I wont...
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Wowzers!!!! What a fuckin birthday week! Super awesome! I shall recap!

It all started tuesday (day before my bday) :
I came home from work and as soon as i walked in the door Matt was all "close your eyes!" so then he lead me around the house and spun me around a bunch of times and then said " Ok there are presents hidden...
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thanks for the birthday greeting
happy late bday baby!!!!!
Yeah for parties! Im getting drunk! Tummy is nice and warm! Wooo! ARRR!!!
Alright kids and kiddies! My bday is coming and with it comes a drunken night of debauchery known as a party! Sat Oct 15th starting at lets say 9pm? Anyone interested in coming let me know and I'll hook you up w/ directions and what not. kiss

edited cause Im a dumbass.....sorry ooo aaa
Happy Birthday smile
Yeah i guess so smile
Life is strange. I may be heartless and cruel in the mind of others, but in my head certain things make perfect sense. A girl I know died recently. Not a friend of mine but in my social circle none the less. Im not sad. In fact I feel like shes better off and didnt have a chance to completely screw her life up with...
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Life is strange. I may be heartless and cruel in the mind of others, but in my head certain things make perfect sense.

I could quote u sometimes, for sure.
" Did your heart ever want to ask something but your head was too afraid of what the answer might be?"

That oddly enough is a family guy quote and i might have heart and head reversed i cant rightly remember but in my case they seem one in the same so it doesnt matter much. whatever
Wow. Taking relationship quotes from the Family Guy. Deep. smile
Thanks for the kind words, believe it or not they are helpful. I swear Family Guy is one of the few show I enjoy.