so i got a weird message - some one telling me that i wrote that whole shpiel on insecurities as a headsup to my boyfriend since he is a member. i'd like to make it clear that he knows about this as i have told him and he told me there is nothing to worry about. i wrote it b/c since telling people that he...
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Some e-gifts for u....

Free mahjong

Just a hint... won't give it a way....

Here's a pix of ur roommate, suitable for framing....

And always ending on a high note....

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

PS One who wishes for MP3 players should have a wishlist.
have a great weekend, say hi to J, and just wish your roomie well, karma you know... if either way you are going to lose just spread some joy....

the whole semester is going to fly by you'll see... and just to keep your mind off of things, what's next career wise?

wink biggrin
i wanted a chocolate milkshake. the last hour or so at work, it was all i could think about, it became a mild obsession that lasted for 60 minutes while going through the monotony of posting medical insurance bills. and boy was it monotonous. and boring. and people don't pay their copays. and that pisses me off b/c i have to check for things like...
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so i am doing a happy dance...a BIG happy dance. why you may ask. i will tell you...joual got his official end of army date! he is done mid-july and it might even be sooner than that..who knows! but it is like 3 months away. and for 2 months of that, he is at a course in j'lem where he will be home just...
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That's GREAT news about the J-man!!!

But let me ask u.... "Why r u crying?"

yea, i am writing a real blog.

this is why i don't like waiting a week to write, i end up having so much to write during the week but never do, and when i come around to it, i don't remember much of anything. funny lines, anecdotes and so on and so forth. my mind becomes one big confused mess. which, i must admit,...
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This is what my hand look like after "The 100"! I m such a baby, aren't I??? Hahahahaha!

Hey, wait a minute..... I could be ur new roomie.... Oct. 15th huh? I can just make that... but Im telling ya now, The Ugly Couch has gotta come with me....

Gotta keep that close since by comparison it makes me look good. And u can only faintly smell the barf and pee on it accumulated from many a party night!!!

puke puke puke

biggrin kiss biggrin
another jew in da country.... niceeeee.....

sucks the phone/army situation... enjoy eilat....

how does 15ish april sounds for the pizza? you'll even be around?
so i know i haven't written in a week...and i know you are all "dying" to know what has been going on...and you will get that....tomorrow.

right now, i am tired and i have a belly full of steak (mmm...steak) and you will get an all-encompassing blog tomorrow morning, promise.

this week has been slightly hectic so i haven't really had a chance to sit...
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SIDE NOTE: i had a really awesome blog yesterday, pics included, but the computer ate it. i'll post pics once i get my computer fully functional again.

my fucking mp3 player bit the dust last night on the way back from tel aviv after meeting a friend for coffee. it turns on but it won't play. it was already starting to kick it, to turn...
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Just noticed the pixs of u and the J-man...... nnnnniiiiiiiicccccceeeeeeee!!!!! U 2 r a GREAT couple!!!!!
And I say this even if u DON'T number 15 me!!!!!!!!!!!! tongue

I still have 73 of those damn things to finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek
Enjoy the procrastination... and after J gets off the army it sounds the trip is going to be awesome...

the external hard drive... i recommend the maxtor 1 TB.... it is awesome... mine is half fulled, mostly movies... if you want anything at all....

good luck with all the fixings and repairs....

i'm waiting for april the 11ish.... pizza, beers and the ocean.... wink
sitting in my class...bored out of my freaking mind. it should be interesting - psychological and cultural aspects of conflict management. however, we are talking about what conflict is...this is roughly the 3rd time i am hearing about what conflict is - the definition doesn't really change....ever.

my computer wire is still busted. the guy came today after opening the box and looking in, now...
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have a nice weekend.... i;m officially hallucinating because of sleeeeeeep.... i neeeeddddd some... brains.... it's late....
OMG..... come on Fish.... u have to do the 100 first and then I'll do it!!!! But u first!!!

There u go!!!!

good thing: finding some one that will fix the stupid powerbox for free. yea for jeff the maytag man. (he's anglo which says a lot b/c israelis hardly ever do anything for free.) he said it would be a pleasure b/c usually he works on large appliances.

bad thing: becoming friendly w/ my boss' toilet (i don't like praying to my own porcelin god, definately...
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Feel better soon!

i believe in karma. i do.

take for example today - my roommate's boyfriend was denied a second time for a visa to go to the US (he is south african). they are stating that he doesn't have enough keeping him in israel and that it would be easy for him to just stay in the US. after talking w/ a source i have, the...
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There ain't nothing gonna kick the JB down....

.... as fate AND Karma get a swift kick in the gonads!!! And while we're at it, let's invoke some voodoo magic on the roomie.....

Go ahead, stick the first pin in.....

Don't pay attention to her comments... what can a lesser being say to hurt a wonderful person such as yourself? it's the equivalent of an ant hurting God's feelings...

have a good week... by the way working on the pizza recipe for pesach... wink noah is already down for the chilling at the beach with cold beers and cold homemade pizza... as i think annaelle will also go...

bye for now... miraculous thing the internet is working at the dorms
it's 11:30pm, i'm slightly tipsy and i have to be up at 6am.

but man, i love spending time at my friend, miriam's for chocolate, alcohol and bitch sessions.

she got her pics from the wedding and is going to send me a bunch and then i can post some. funny thing though is the only real pic where you see me dressed up, i...
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happy birthday mom!!

U do burn the candle at both ends.... tipsy at midnite, chocolate cake all over ur face and up by 6 am..... ahhh JB, u r sooo unique.

Ahhh can see it now.....

But here's a sign for u when u get ur car....

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin wink
we all like to think we are strong. we all like to think that nothing bothers us and that when things do go wrong, we know how to handle it w/out having minor panic attacks. usually, i am like this. i can write papers down to the wire w/out fretting, i can handle most tough situations when they approach b/c i've had to do that...
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U R a strong person!!! But I'll let u in on a secret, when u cry and ur b/f is around, the one thing he knows he can do to comfort u is....

Am I right? And ANY chance to touch and hug the one u love is something the man REALLY likes, especially since they tend to be tight hugs and tight hugs mean u feel alllllllll of one another. And then the girl tends to look up with tears in her eyes and say "Im sorry ... shouldn't be like this....." and that just gives the boy the excuse to kiss those tears away..... and ANY excuse to hug and kiss is an excuse every boy takes.

Pretty much happen like that? Then the only damage done was to the cord, not the relationship with ur man now feeling like he has helped u, that he is needed, and he remembers how u felt, how u tasted and.... there is nothing ever wrong with that!!!!

By the way, I got a kick out of Joual posting. I got a too infrequent chance to e-chat with him.

yet another reason why the prof. i TA for is fucking great. upon telling him one of the students that i had the program coordinator ask to type their final....

(side note: i have this "power" - if i can't read a final, i go to the head of the program and ask her to tell the kid to type the final - i can't...
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That coconut rice seems delicious... i'm so hungry right now... i just slept for a couple of hours, and woke up hungry....

cheers for your bro biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

Psychological and cultural... you say it is easy? *smack* *pow* *punch* *bam*... ok... whatever.... just save me some notes... i'm all about psychology, sociology, cultures and spirituality... so middle east conflicts are most interesting as reading material.... the only factor i really don't like is politics... to me it is like organized religion... puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke

ok... mars attack.... genius.... music as the ultimate weapon... all the celebs.... one of the silliest movies ever... who is the director?

the pizza is almost a given for pesach, not know if for next weekend, because due to the mohawk i have had minor differences arise between me and the house owner that is my grandma... so i think i got banned from her presence for a few days... good thing i am in j'lem tomorrow... let's see how next weekend evolves...


enjoy your weekend in TA... bon apetit... happy friday 13th.... shabbat shalom...
Ahhhhhh, how can u live without it???

biggrin biggrin biggrin