well I'm still recovering from the weekend which made going to work this morning very difficult Fall is deffinitly here the wind coming off the water and the thick fog made it extremely cold and difficult to get the roof done but we managed to finish so the majority of the work left is indoors just in time for the rain to come. Anyways about...
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Sore, Tired and hungry. Work was long and frustrating today but im going out and getting trashed tonight and then i gotta meet up with a client in the morning for breakfast haha. anyways i will see you guys in chat.
thanks so much for your kind words. smile red=thursday next week.
This makes the 6am wakeup to go to work that much better. Having my morning coffee standing on the second floor of the house im currently working on and just starring off at the ocean. doesn't get better then that. Today was great i finally went out and bought another new webcam this ones much better then the previous one so hopefully it doesn't kick...
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Your blog saved my life. While looking upside down at your pics, i noticed that i needed to also paint my toes. Fine holiday fun! kiss surreal biggrin
Lol well I'm glad I could help you out that's what I do :d
Well today turned out to be way better then yesterday i sent my truck in to get the window replaced and the lock fixed. still working off this mornings hangover and it's now 11:30 at night but thats ok. anyways i don't really have anything exciting to say cause im pretty bagged but i promise i will have something intresting to write about tommorrow. Peace...
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For having the weekend off for once my morning deffinitly has been anything but relaxing. I woke up to go out and meet some friends for breakfeast only to realize that my truck was broken into and to make matters worse it was pissin rain out all night. The thing that frustrates me the most is they tried to pop the lock out but clearly...
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Finally things are back to normal i had 3 projects on the go with some serious deadlines that had to be met. for those of you who don't know im a self employed builder. me and a friend of mine started haney custom homes 2 years ago and word is getting around so we've been busy, but as the fall and winter settle in things...
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So I decided that im in finally in good enough shape to attempt doing the P90X workout starting tomorrow. I've let myself get to out of shape and it's time to get back in!. I've decided that im going to blog my progress so i can keep track on how im doing and each week i will post a photo of my progress untill the...
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So ya it's friday and im exhausted from work, but thats ok because tonight im going to a kegger biggrin and im gonna get shit faced wooh! So the last couple of days have been intresting. i was in a car accident yesterday and my truck is pretty messed up but it's fixable the car that hit me on the other hand is a write off....
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So ya company bbq was last night... Im insanely hungover but made it through the night without doing anything stupid biggrin so all in all it was a great night. Im gonna keep this short cause im going out for lunch now and to celebrate Canada Day. Happy Canada Day!!!
happy july 2 sukka!!
So day two... Started on a new jobsite were building a waterfront home right on the beach. It's jobs like this that make me realize how great of a career this is. the smell of the ocean in the air while sitting on a deck that cantaleviers over the beach below with the most beautiful view of the downtown vancouver skyline. Now if only i...
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So this is my first blog ever and when is say that i mean i've never blogged before so ya bare with me!! lol I don't really know what to say but i guess an introduction will work. I'm Matt i was born and raised in vancouver BC but my background is portuguese. I'm a carpenter by trade and DJ by hobby If you wanna...
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Happy 1st blog!!!!