Moved back to New Orleans, in school and around, really fuckin busy atm tho doing nothing. blah. Oh yeah, wtf is the deal with all these vibrating hygene items.. razers, fuckin toothbrushes, trimmers, etc etc etc.

And to think nintendo got sued for a vibrating controlled cause some asshole parents daughter was caught cumming all over it lol
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how do u like new york?
thats cool, and school is school so it sucks, i just hate it, its easy but i still dont want to do my work and yea i hate it, im unhappy with life right now very unhappy, but who isent whatever
Moved to NYC. Look me up.

Hey sweetheart! Thanks so much for the nice e-mail on my set! It made me really happy. biggrin
I did however get a decent amount of e-mails and with school and all it's taken awhile to get back to you. Sorry. whatever

Hope your move to NY is a good one. kiss
Classes almost done with and now that i'm finally leaving I think i'm going to miss this fucking place surreal eeek puke

Smoke weed, third day, now my chest feels tight and it's hard to breathe.... I wonder if I have asthma :\ or maybe i'm just paranoid... or maybe I shouldn't be surprised when I smoke and end up with difficulty breathing... heh

Oh yeah, and I met the perfect girl and i'm head over heals madly beyond in love with her, and she barely...
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Well, I fuckin' forgot: I met her like three years ago and I kinda thought she had left afterher sophomore year, but she's been back this year and although I almost never see her, I saw her for like two days in a row and I realized that I gotta at least talk to her.

It's so weird how I can have a feeling so pure and so right yet if I came out and told her i'd probably just creep her out. Fuck. I know this feeling's real tho. Shit, i've had my fare share of infatuations and sexual lusts but this has lasted for almost three and a half years, with barely any contact at all except the occasional flirtatious glance. Every time I see her it's like we both want to speak but niether of us can.. shit She strikes me fuckin' speechless and I didn't think the shit was more then fairytale nonsense until I met her.

The Song Magdalena by A Perfect Circle describes my feeling perfectly (subliminal meaning and interpretations aside).

"Overcome by your
Moving temple
Overcome by this
Holiest of altars

So pure
So rare
To witness such an earthly goddess

I'd sell
My soul
My self-esteem a dollar at a time

One chance
One kiss
One taste of you my magdalena

I bear witness
To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten
So pure
So rare
To witness such an earthly goddess

That I'd sell
My soul
My self-esteem a dollar at a time
For one chance
One kiss
One taste of you my black madonna

I'd sell
My soul
My self-esteem a dollar at a time

One taste
One taste
One taste of you my Magdalena"

It's not desperation, and I don't want to control her at all. What I want is to fall in love with her, as deeply as any two people can possibly fall in love. I honestly don't give a fuck about anything but my relationship with her when i'm around her, and I mean relationship in the most literal sense since I obviously have not had any sexual contact with her. She's got this beauty which is so much more then anything almost anyone can imagine or even percieve. She's physically pretty to an extent I can't possibly describe, and it's like her soul radiates out from her like an halo of wellness and pure joy. It's so incredibly beautiful. That's all I can say, beautiful, over and over but it doesn't even come close to doing her justice.

Fuck, this sounds corny as HELL but the fucked up thing is it's all as real as I can possibly be because there is nothing I know better then my feelings and there's no stronger feeling i've ever had.. let alone for such an extended period. Fuck, i've had it from the first moment I saw her.
R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson.

...why the fuck didn't you go out with an overdose?

bleh, anyways, that really sucks, great man who's now dead. Between him and Johny Cash it's been a shitty two years as far as really fucking cool motherfuckers dieing...

RIP both of them, shots are on me.
I agree.
Project 5 by Cakewalk is fucking amazing.

just added a pic, had to resize it a shitload, so it kinda sucks, but hopefully i'll get something fixed up better soon. It was taken in my old dorm room, and I kinda look young in the photo for some odd reason.. and I was probably high out of my mind at the time. My friend Mandy took it.. i think.

I swear to...
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