I hope everyone enjoyed their Rapture. Hopefully no one quit their jobs or killed anyone with no sense of regret or anything like that. I just sat home and enjoyed the weather.
Oh well...I was hoping tosee some freakin hot girls rip their clothes off saying jesus take me now but alas didn't happen and was uneventful. Sigh....maybe next time.tongue
I was at a polyamory gathering in the middle of nowhere, so I didn't get to see anyone flying off to heaven, surrounded by heathens as I was. wink I had a fabulous time though!
Not really sure how I should feel on the matter. I mean, I guess I can finally feel a release, you know? Kinda like a weight's been lifted not only on my shoulders, but on my chest as well. That would be fine, wonderful in fact. Or, I could feel a bit of desperation, or something of the sorts. A feel of loss, regret, anguish,...
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Been a while. Guess I've been to preoccupied with coming on here to look at naked girls (crazy, right?) It happens though, but I'm back. Guess a quick update: went to laser tag today. There are some cheap players out there who rack up points like nothing just by following you and making sure you can't shoot back once you respawn. Fucking teenagers. Hooked up...
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Gonna snow like a bastard tomorrow/tonight. Every where I know is closing, but I still gotta go in to work. Hopefully the plaza is dead, so I can close early too. I'm not complaining though, I don't mind the snow. It's upstate NY, it's gonna fucking snow once in a while. Learn to drive in shitty weather, then you won't complain so much. And yes,...
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Finally watched Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. If you have a thing for NPH and Codex, you should take time and watch this amazing piece of work. Sure, I watched it high, but it was still great. Hell, you might even cry. I wanted to, but I'm a man and stuff, so I just held it in and kicked some stuff later. Not really, I...
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UPDATE on dating sites: What's fun is just roaming through all the different pics and being able to determine which girls are obviously not real, and which ones I dare say, just couldn't be attracted to, ever. I guess that makes me mean, shallow, one sided, blah blah fuck it all who cares I'm PICKY. Then again, so are the chicks I do message and...
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And it took time away from Dead Space 2... bullocks
I need more Nny... I hope you get the reference. Squee would be good, too. Gonna go back to the old books, if I can find them.
So, you're gonna either think I'm dorky, or behind in times, but if finally finished all the seasons of Buffy the Vamp. Slayer... not including the motion comic. Yeah yeah, sue me, id rather have watched all the episodes in order rather than back in the day wondering how the hell one day Buffy is trying to kill Spike, then the next day watching her...
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Haven't been on here in a while. I feel like I'm drifting anyway. But ladies of the SG community, you got nothing to fear. I love ya anyway.
your shirt is awesome
Been feeling really tight lately. Muscles ache, back hurts in the morning. I need a massage or something. This cold weather is taking a tole. Grrr.mad
Duh. smile
Just give me a massage on your own personal time, then.