Hey it's now technically my weekend i have mondays and tuesdays off, although many don't, that doesn't mean that i can't celebrate, nah i'm not that excited, but hey i have one more week till classes start again so i might as well enjoy it. But this is my last semester, so thats not too bad. That was quite a bipolar group of sentences rite...
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So i'd really like to take a positive outlook for this new year but that seems highly unlikely, especially because i spent the holiday watching women i would bow down to get treated like shit by guys who know less than a fruit roll up. ( By the way fruit roll ups have little bits of knowledge for growing children to absorb while consuming massive...
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So christmas is over, that is it, so much less satisfying than when i was a kid, sadly to say, didn't even think about it besides, hating christmas music more than i can describe. i have a job where i drive a lot, and am also in supermarkets, and both those places were flooded with christmas music and it made me want to kill myself....
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Ok so it's been quite a long time since i posted on this blog but i figured with the way everything is going rite now why not rite a little something. . .

Well i just turned 22 on saturday and it was the least exciting birthday i've had since 11 maybe its the double dates that suck or just the lack of anything left...
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happy belated birthday! kiss
let me know more about your play!!! is it other days besides friday? good luck!
No, they are good. Haha.
Here's a short one. . . straight to the point

So I moved, nice place, carpets, its quieter, things like that make me happy.

Hate my job but who doesn't, i guess that what i'm wokrin towards, a job i dont hate, lets hope that goes well, fingers crossed.

Want to see a lot of movies, and i never end up actually going.

Been back...
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R.I.P Kurt Vonnegut
This is a sad day in the literary world
One of the greatest authors of the 20th century is gone
Welcome to the Monkey House
Slaughterhouse 5
Cat's Cradle
So good
He will be missed. . . .

"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over.
Out on the edge you see all the kinds...
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frown he will be missed. nice quote at the end. smile
Ok so i've been really excited about moving lately, im not moving far a way, yet, which is totally exciting. But for the time being im movin to a new house in my area but ive never really moved when i actually had stuff, and i am actually really excited. Not really sure why, its not that great, but i've grown to hate my house,...
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moving is fun. its like a fresh start all over again. smile good luck with the move
Leavin for Florida in a few hours, really gettin excited, not that i havent totally enjoyed lying in bed for the past 2 days, enjoying not doing anything, but Langerado hasnt let me down yet so it should be another good time. Plus this year its 3 days, and I have tickets to Sound Tribe for thursday night. . . evennnnnn betterrrr. Plus this year...
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have fun in florida!!! bring me back a snail shell if you find it on the beach! wink
Ok, can i just say that no matter how many times i've seen it i love watching Fight Club. Partly cause i love Chuck Palahniuk, amazing writer, partly cause its just such a great movie. Oh well as i sit here with a cat named Chester, trying to abstain from something i love for just one night, hoping to make it to a ceramics class...
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you like the grateful dead. therefore, i like you.
sweet meat. i will definitely have to check them out. do they have a myspace or a website or anything of the sort?
Hey everybody, the only thing i can be proud of rite now is doin the Rocky Horror Picture Show, other than that i've been in some sort of coma like state. So if u love Rocky Horror and ur near PA hit it up, its gonna be awsome, how could u not love scifi, nudity, sex, and violence. They seem to make for great entertainement....
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Rocky Horror?? Very cool. I believe a few friends and I are going to one (or atleast attempting to) a few towns away tomorrow night.

I'm thinking I'll probably get both sets of surface piercings... haven't really made up my mind though. confused
happy new year!!!