So I gotta decide whether I should plead to a violation for something I never did -- fabricated by the bitches in blue, they should be proud of their imaginations, if nothing else -- or stick it out through the trial, and witness firsthand how the injustice system works against me.

I'm gonna go through with trial, not because I shouldn't plead guilty to something...
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i'll paypal you 20 bucks if you show me your tits...
Standing a little too close to a member of the RNC maybe? They really take it personally if you don't wear your NASCAR racing jacket while they get photos taken.

I had a friend who held onto his sock for an entire night because he was sure if he let go he would somehow phase right through the pavement and end up somewhere in the middle of the earth. Drugs are funny. Sara, on the other hand, sounds like a delusional psychotic and someone should teach her how to make tinfoil hats so her time is more productively spent.

The nights where I don't go out are often the ones I regret least. My pile of books to read is threatening to tople over and block the front door. After that I'll just have to read my way out of the house. Last night, though, I braved the sixty degree LA weather to go to the gym and pray that I never ended up looking like 90% of the people in there.

Smoking is bad mmmmmmkay. You should pick up another vice like coffee or yogurt flavored gum, it will fill the void that the smoke sticks left.


Groups of people make me sign my name in blood, I sign my name on their dead, dull, hungry shifty eyes.

I have to ask you all, out there, don't give me syphillis no matter how much I beg. It's a bad disease. Justin has the book. Yowsers. Peices are missing. Holes. Big holes in people.

Maybe I already have it,.
Man of many talents. When I get a chance I'll see if I can find the interview where he describes his creative process for his music.
Can't find it. I'll paraphrase

Something blathering and too many thanks yous..... blah blah blah..... Dictionary put on top of the keys....... blah blah blah...... overdriven into computer..... blah blah blah.... totally sick track.
Will I ever learn to be friendly?

[Edited with the help of my friend and time-saver, the elipsis.]

. . . . . In the end, life will chew you up and spit you out. No way around that. You don't get to keep an ounce. But how it consumes you is a matter of personal preference -- either you choose what consumes you and...
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I say no when I mean no.

I do yes.

Once I figured out that little miscalculation, a whole amalgam of issues presented itself on a white sheet, in mud blood and puke streaks, to form the number 81. If I were superstitious, I'd look into a stew and drain it for meaning.

For now, it's 81. I'm banning all others from my sight. Until...
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Wait, current crush not me? wtf man? That's not what you were saying last night.

Wanna hang out tonight/tomorrow?
The money thing will have to be postponed, so kick my ass when I make it to new york. Tonight is a nite for celebration! Friday, it turns out, is also a night for celebrating (my friend's birthday). I'll find a seven day block one of these days where I don't have obligations to others.
People seem to be moody lately. I don't know what recipe for uplift the rest of you adhere to, but I always like me some style when I'm feeling down in life's sewer pipe.

Style: An enemy of depression, repression and oppression.

Style: Is what happens when your imagination struts up to your reality and says: "Stick 'em up, motherfucker. This is a hold up....
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No shoes for me! I've got plenty. Pay me in advice.
You can start with this .
How is it possible to walk from my apartment to the subway without getting my pants all wet in the rain?

The big loop at central park is 6mi, I'd say start with that, but it might be a little cold. Do you have a gym membership?

My top two goals are going nicely. Phone interview tuesday and I turn even myself on when I look in the mirror these days.
Ooh, but number three I need some help with. If you can keep me from spending so much cash it would be saints work.

In the middle? Think hands across america. It would be better if you played red rover and smashed right through that. Really, though, tuxy is one of the coolest people I know. I think you've already found that out, though.

Finally we come to the boy. We both pretend we're gay to pick up chicks! Actually, he's so gay that there's no way that he could actually be attracted to men, the world doesn't make that much sense.
He's a college buddy and it's good he's not on the site or he might tell stories about my college days. Newly single, likes tall, cold, unaproachable girls ice queens, if you will.
Aw, I only wear shorts when I run. Riding boots it is!

Smoker!? You're going to be a tough one. First off stop taking elevators and escalators, just avoid them, they are tools to cow the proletariat, it's like TV for your feet.
Also, skip the subway whenever possible.
Ten minute miles aren't too bad, just gotta get to the point where you can do 26 of them consecutively, and then you can beat P Diddy's ass when he runs the city.

I'll try your plan, but only sunday through friday of next week because I'm driving down to San Diego on Saturday. If I freak out, though, I'm going to the pacific dining car and buying steak and eggs as soon as the days flips at midnight on friday.

If you meet any ice queens let me know, the problem is that they aren't exactly the type of person that walks up and introduces themselves...
A little joke for Valentines day.

Two people are making love. Nothing is held back -- they cross every line, are in perfect sync with each other, become as if one. Finally, many erotic postitions, intimate words, and a mindblowing mutual orgasm later, the woman whispers tenderly into the mans ear: Ill tell you who I was thinking of if you tell me who you...
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Are you ever on IM? We need to chat.
Uh, you're a bitch.

Here the link to the aol stuffage: http://www.aim.com/

I guess there's nothing that important that I wanted to say... just, um... I think you're really special.
Chocolate and flowers don't make me feel romantic. They make me come

out blurry.

Yes, I am chewing the scenery. I have this weird habit of eating. Especially nice looking things. Gorgeous flowers don't last long in my house.

Not for nothin, if you never hear from me again, those white flowers you see, whatever they're called, are not edible.

Don't believe the hype. There's...
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i just scored, which means an imminent mutual score. basically this all means that i'm putting you to work and soon you'll have the bank for those new dentures with the bridge AND a supple gum-smoothing. oral dermabrasion is an underutilized notch in the utility belt of the erotic.
too late. i do have the bouncey dock thing.

jizzmatic smileys, glances, jackets, curbs.

Whether or not you landed here by accident -- move on, keep going . . . .Nothing here. Nothing to learn, nothing to look at, nothing to buy, nothing to sell, nothing to think about, nothing to contradict, nothing to sneer at, nothing to chuckle at, nothing to touch yourself to, nothing to complain about.

And if you're some kind of fucking buddhist new ager...
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Consider me seduced. love
I can't tell you just how apropos that poem is. Are you psychic or something? I'm spooked.
Oops. I just OD'd on self degredation. It's nice to know that's still possible. There was a time I had a lot of qualms. There must be one left in there somewhere, rusty but blushing.

I have a picture in my phone that I'd like to upload. How do I do that? Any suggestions? (I'll make it worth your while . . . )
Thank you for the kind words.
I have high hopes for my future, but I can't be blamed for being cautious. biggrin
Yeah your words on scarredangles journal rocked.
They are too cute and go back and forth so much its disgusting. wink They are a little soap opera all in their own.
Your welcum. And what will be your party platform?
Done tweazing. You can bug me again.

By the way, to the yokel who corrected my spelling of tweazing. No, I didn't mean tweezing. I meant tweezing+teasing+tweaking+teething. Hence, tweazing.

I'm staying at a friend's house in the West Village until I can find a real home (adoption application will be posted shortly). The WV is kinda like the VW Bug in that it's small and...
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the 2nd quote was perfect. and i drank my orange juice this morning, so maybe its the Vitamin C. Either way, thank you.
Man oh man, your too cute. I haven't seen anyone write a testimonial for themselves like you have.
The writing is good, no rambling just obervations.
Fuck off, I'm tweazing.

Youch. I hate that.

Necessary evil.
wouldn't that be "tweezing" with a double-E?

which is not to be confused with squeezing a double-D.