Silver City: Killer Flick, cool mystery, nice scenes, great little moment, dug it.

Sky Captain: Fun pulpish B flick

Shaun of the Dead: Fun little zombie flick with a heart and ties to The Office

End of the Century: The Ramones: Joey is a hopeless romatic, Dee Dee is a junkie, Johnny is a Dick, Tommy is sane and still alive, they're a happy family....
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When I was a kid I wanted to be an Archeologist. I wanted to uncover history and find out about forgotten people and their lives, I wanted to know about them, imagine how they lives and how they died. I didn't really know what part of history I would be into excavating and what people I would be drawn to. I certainly didn't think that...
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oh, black tape has been a love of mine since i was nineteen. i discovered the projekt label when i was still in high school.
I am an Archeologist......and no, I don't know why I'm not famous yet......you should get on that for me wink ha!
From the Ashes: The Divine Horsemen

The Divine Horsemen never had a hit record, never made much of a splash in the underground and for the most part are only remembered by fools like me that have tapped into their energy and sound. That sound, well if the No Depression scenseters weren't a bunch of yuppies they would be all over these guys along with...
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i think i heard you paging someone last night at ikea. is that possible?
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. I did find that book and finished reading it. I will write more soon, right now I have a few errands I need to run.

happy belated birthday. we'll have a belated celebration soon...
I miss placed the book I have been reading and it's got me all worked up. I don't really know why, I have plenty of other books that I need to read, or even finish, and I am sure that it will turn up at some point.

I have looked all around the apartment and it's just not anywhere. I did take out the trash,...
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happy b-day!
Happy Birthday!!! smile
Been feeling brain dead lately,... where's my concentration gone? Oh well maybe I'll wake up and be able to think clearly in the morning.
Randum Thoughts:

Joe Meek died for you sins......
Who's Joe Meek?

Vulcan 1908, Aries 1918, Dimeter 1924, Saturn 1932......

why is it that the only songs that I hear on radio these days that I can sit though are from 10 years ago, but there are plenty of tunes that I have heard on CD that I love to listen?

go back and listen to...
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I've been drinking... you have been warned.

stuff I have bought from iTunes and commentary.....

Alice in Chains: Grind... I keep hearing this on the radio and had forgotten what a great single it was. It's got melody and that cool 70's Sabbath off kilter solo.... the swan song of a band that was important, and will be again.

Bob Wills is Still the King:...
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I would LOVE it if you would burn me the Johnny Cash stuff. He makes me happy and sad all at the same time. It is good.
Dear Unsure at Ikea,

you should consider it your sacred duty as a resident of minnesota to escort your german woman-friend to the state fair. and while you are there should should buy her some cheese curds, some deep fried pickles, and some deep fried oreos (ok so you can share them). And then you should take her to the midway and show her your man talent by winning her a giant stuffed monkey.

I was up late last night talking with a friend from work. We drank a little and talked about this and that and some how we started talking about cassette tapes. She mentioned that somewhere she has tapes of songs that she taped off the radio and that listening to those tapes now is like being in a time machine because they evoke a place...
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I can't believe you still don't dig Huey Lewis. I predict a huge second coming of Huey Lewis. Mark my words.
When did it become ok to be selfish, rude and stupid? I mean I recall my 3rd grade teacher wouldn't stand for any of that crap.... So when did it become ok? When did Americans give up on being smart? Why are you some how defective if you are interested in something besides getting high, getting laid or getting paid? Where would we be if...
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Dude, regarding your post in the best sountrack thread ...

I love ROTLD and watch it too much (on dvd of course). Anyways, I didn't know a soundtrack existed!!! Do you have it in mp3 or is it still in print and for sale? I would love to check it out smile.

You got excellent taste in movies btw tongue.

[Edited on Aug 20, 2004 1:12PM]
Those are Zombies, not Ghosts! eeek