Seeing as how I live in the middle of bloody nowhere, Ive got plenty of time to invest on self improvement projects. Ive titled my latest The campaign to reclaim my brain. Basically, it comes down to the fact that Ive recently decided on going back to school as a grad student and I think the many years of abuse on my poor little mind...
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Originally Posted Sunday, February 19th, 2006
8:10 pm
Praise to the mediocrity of men
Even though I'm remimded on a regular basis how dumb some people can be, I'm amazed everytime like it was the first. This morning, I get up, I'm still half asleep, completely unwilling to face the brutish realities of this new day unfolding before me and even less so without at...
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People are incredibly stupid
Originally posted Saturday, February 18th, 2006
4:49 am
beginnings of random ramblings
Here I am, 4:49 in the morning, still awake, drinking wine, and, for some incomprehensible reason, have just decided to cojointly make spagetti sauce and start a blog. Now, as unimaginable as it may seem, my latenight dual endeavor has me wondering about my sanity. Though really, In all probability, I'm not moreso...
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I had actually, a few days ago, started a blog on livejournals just because Im stuck living in the worlds worst hole and I often feel the need to randomly rant about all types of shit and felt that this was the next best thing to actually having warm body endure my whining. Well, really, I was just drunk and bored, but I feel the...
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