Please read Anarchakunt's journal and do what you can. If you go to college hang up their press release across your campus! If you hang out at a coffee shop, hang it up there! Talk to your friends about it! Call your college radio station! Hang it up in your local library! Anything that lets one more person hear about what they went through is...
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I really appreciate your support. I wasn't offended by your posts to the boards, just frustrated at the situation and still tired and cranky from jail. Hopefully when all the charges get dropped, we can sue the shit out of them. It's going to be a long fucking ordeal though. Thanks again for helping to get the word out.
I'm so ready for the weekend. All the parties are starting. NO ONE in Memphis has parties during the summer. It's too damn hot! Saturday my team (Tennessee) plays their first game against Wyoming. I *LOVE* SEC football. smile smile smile Then, Saturday night my neighbor is having a big party. Sunday is my friend Becky's birthday party and we're also going to have the kids Sunday night/Monday...
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i'm going to RELAX!
visit my mother.
play with my friend's 2 year old.
sleep late.
I think you're loveable...
JESUS: The Missing Years

It was raining
it was cold
West Bethlehem was no place for a twelve year old
So he packed his bags and he headed out
To find out what the world's about
He went to France he went to Spain
He found love he found pain
He found stores so he started to shop
But he had no money so he...
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I was there the day that Christ was born.
I heard Gabriel blow his happy horn.
Three men came to the manger.
They whispered, "Howdy stranger."
And I could tell right then the child's life would be in danger.

I heard him talking on the hill top high.
And I remember thinking," What a guy."
He didn't look too tough but
he said some real cool stuff.
And he quit talking after everyone had heard enough.

And I was there the night he had his trial.
I took a seat because it took a while.
He had no real defense, no.
It got pretty intense though.
And everyone I know's been talkin' bout it ever since.

And I was there when he was crucified.
I hung around and watched him as he died.
I packed a simple lunch.
Just something I could munch on.
I couldn't hear what he was saying but I had a hunch.

And I was there the night he rose from the dead.
He had a light that went around his head.
He drove around all night
and he was quite a sight
and when I talk about this part people get real uptight.

And I was there the night he rolled his truck.
And I remember thinking, "What the fuck, man?
He was a real good driver.
He was a real survivor.
He had the driving skills Americans should really strive for."

His truck burst into a flaming heap.
That's what you get when you buy trucks that cheap.
But all his needs were simple.
One time he got a pimple.
He waved his hand and it was gone and it was just that simple.

I watched him walk out of the burning pile.
He blew the crowd a kiss and flashed his smile.
You should have heard them clapping.
He act like nothing happened.
And then he sang a song that set everyone's toes a-tappin'.


I hate to say this, but I'm really getting annoying with some things around here lately. I find the level of hypocrisy very high lately. I find myself wanting to log on less and less. When I log on I just get pissed off. People get offended so damn easily and assume the worst of you, at all costs. What the fuck is up with...
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hey no way. you can't leave. i like your meat story.

i'm not mad at you.
what the hell is a mainstream sg'er?

guess i'm more of an underground sg'er.

remember kid-fuck'em if they can't take a joke..
Sleepy sleepy Lindsay...

I had nightmares last night and I feel like I didn't really sleep at all. I keep yawning and cursing myself for forgeting my creamer YET AGAIN. Coffee without cream is useless. Bah.

Jeremy keeps thinking I'm going to get sick of him any minute and give him the boot. He told me this morning he's scared sometimes about how much he...
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baby i'm amazed at the way you love me all the time
or maybe i'm afraid of the way i love you

truly sorry about the Wings quote, but your entry made me think of those lyrics.

i hate having dreams where my sweetie is leaving me for another girl. those are truly terrifying.

you're so lucky that your boyfriend not only buys you flowers, but actually puts some thought into the boquets! that's rare!
coffee in itself is useless in my opinion....

if your having bad dreams, ill come watch over you when you sleep.... i can make them go away... (see profile pic for reference)
My favorite thing in the world to sing:

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

My family sings that Doxology before each meal we eat together. It doesn't matter if we are eating at my grandmother's house or a public restaurant; we sing anyway. I think people...
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i can't believe others know that song. my grandparents use to have a church and back when i had ye olde punk band, i stole a songbook and that was the last song in it. we, of course, promptly learned it and played it at the beginning of every show. i think it tended to give people the wrong idea, but aye.. fuck em, it was fun. i need to dig up a tape of that.
it pleases me that you aren't scared to talk about aspects of your religious life.
it pleases me that you are a hot ass too.
I read and wrote a lot this weekend. I spent a lot of time with my family and the best thing about my family is that they don't try to entertain you. You can hang out, talk, read, or just share space and everything's cool. I ate a lot of tropical fruit and vegetables. Everything my grandmother cooks is organic so everything was very yummy...
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If we go driving fast sometime, I'll have to borrow the Trans Am from my sister and show you what I was talking about that night we discussed this topic. wink

Otherwise maybe we can just test drive a vette or something....yum. =)
My grandma is magical. I love her thin skin across her knuckles. I remember pushing her protruding veins when I was younger saying, "Grandma, why do those stick out like that?"

"Well Lindsay... I suppose it is because I'm old."

She's such a cute lady. I can't wait to see her. She just got remarried at 75 and her new husband is so funny. He...
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Gee, the skin across *my* knuckles is looking a little thin these days too....
Wow, your grandma sounds amazing smile I'm glad she's found someone she can be happy with and sing with, hehe. My grandma's pretty cool, but it's my great-grandma that I absolutely adore. She's just awesome. She's 83, and is in the hospital now after suffering from a very minor heart attack. She's completely fine, and just as fiesty as ever, but it's hard to realize that she's getting old...
I'm going home with my dad this weekend. Home is Missouri and where most of my family lives. Trips with my father are always awesome. We always have the most amazing conversations. I'm sure this weekend will be no different. He called me last night to confirm our plans and we ended up talking for over an hour. He admitted that he's been depressed for...
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your pic just turned up on the hookup page! yay for you!!

and thanks for the wolf whistle, right back at you.

i agree with everyone above, it's lovely to have a relationship with your family, i'm soooo close with mine, esp my brother - it's incredible to have great men in your life looking out for you wink
Hooray! for good parental relationship.

Boo! for gory plateglass incidents.

Hooray! for your boy.

Boo! well, the biggest Boo! was the gory plateglass incident, but even that seems like it's going to be ok.

Hooray! for INKEDgirl!
Yay for the little things in life like Dental Insurance and American Idol. I'm not quite sure why I'm addicted to that show, but I am. I think Kelly Clarkson is such a talented and sexy girl. I want to see her win. smile I'm saying YAY for Dental Insurance because I got some today for the first time in 7 years! I finally get to...
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i read your post in the pain thread. now i will become your champion.
no hurt will come to you again.
it's cool, I still love you smile
Jeremy and I went bowling with our landlord, her husband, and another resident (Charles, aka 6'9). My landlord's husband is so awesome. We were laying out by the pool reading and he comes out there and says:

"Big fat greasy burgers? Pitchers of beer? Ugly shoes? Pizza? Are you in or what?"

We were like, "HUH?"

"Bowling, you dolts! BOWLING!!!"

He took all of us...
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it is the little things in life, isn't it?
that's where happiness comes from...
i need more frikkin little things!
*falls to ground and hits head...again*
Jokes on you, I once bowled a _7_ and I was sober!
-Dave, god of bowling
Im drinking Hazelnut coffee and watching kitty cats stroll around lazily on a Sunday afternoon. No worries, no drama, just this lazy afternoon. Plenty of people would wish for a day filled with kink and sex. I welcome my day full of soft kisses, appreciative smiles and improvisational poetry readings.

Yeah, cat. Ya dig? *snap snap*

This apartment needs a good cleaning, but I could...
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so whats the word lady..
can you hang it..
or do i need to cover that too

if so no biggie..
but hey..
it takes a little efort from a few fools..
i figure between the 2 of us..
its a done deal..

tee hee
later sweets
get intouch again..
ber glad you dont have any worries or drama at the moment, im swimming it them! heh heh....