Well. What a fuckup Friday turned into!! After looking forward to the Anthrax gig for weeks, it sucked on many levels. First off one of may mates wasn't allowed into the venue because the security guy said he was too drunk..... he was, but not THAT bad. Then after Anthrax came on we went crowd surfing.. as you do, I got dragged to the front...
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Now that sounds like a good time,wankers aside.
I'm supposed to go see Rob"Fuckin"Zombie tonight if I don't get to pissed.I really want to go but it's 500km away and I'm already 9 Guinness in biggrin
Fuck the trees,bikes need petrol! HAHA I have my new Tshirt.Thanks mate.
Snow is melting fast so if my road dries I will be riding soon,after I sobber up tommorrow. puke

[Edited on Apr 18, 2006 9:43AM]
I'm taking the 'softly softly' approach to revenge.. I've passed on a few of her choicest bitchy comments to the people she was bitching about, and a mate is going to set up premium texts going to her mobile..

I still may do the fp thingy, but i'll see how much fun I can have this way first biggrin
Out partying all night last night. Got absolutely hammered on JD. Great time, hangover not too bad either, woohoo. I aint figured out yet how to minimalise hangovers, are they totally random in severity? I've sometimes been much less drunk than I was last night, yet the hangovers have been worse, I don't get it.
Had one of my girlfriends friends flirting do deal with...
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Hangovers eh whatever

Dirty chicks love
havent been anywhere near my bike since the other night. I freaked myself out a bit so I figure as long as my head isnt straight i'll let it sit there.. The axe incident is from just before xmas.. psycho neighbour had been harrassing me for a year and a half, culminating in him giving me a bit of a kicking and then swinging an axe at my head. He also swung it at the guy who pulled him off me. All good fun. Ho hum.
Dont worry. No wrapping round trees for me. Gonna be good smile
Just got in from work. Been covered and smothered and knee deep in fuckin fine carbon dust at work two nights running now. My job blows, even if the pay aint bad, that shits infesting my lungs and I'm still blowing black slicks into a hankie the next day. mad

On a lighter note, going to see Anthrax on the 7th April with my mates and...
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carbon dust is bad hate the stuff..
hope gig is ace prob be a MADHOUSE there then youll get CAUGHT IN A MOSH biggrin
dont get too ANTISOCIAL when youre drunk
sorry had to throw them in biggrin
But hey, at least you have a job wink
Staying up late tonight, I got 4 night-shifts this week so I'll be sleeping through the day this week. Gonna watch The History Of Violence in a mo. Viggo Mortensen's in it, should be a goody. Just like to say a big thanks to all who keep in touch on here and make this place what it is, especially you biker maniacs, you fuckin nutters...
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oohhh whats that film like??? i missed it at the cinema and was thinking of buying it. but only if you recommend it!!!

biggrin biggrin kiss kiss
Its pretty rough
Having a real lazy Saturday. Didn't get up 'til after 11. Don't feel like doing anything today, aint got the energy really, still feeling fragile from the drinking session with my mate the other night!! Cool sounds and a chilled atmosphere are in order this afternoon I think, Ill leave the oil change on the bike 'til tomorrow. smile My latest ink on my sleeve isn't...
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Not at the same time?RIGHT wink
I am drawn to maniacs like ourselves also.We keep life interesting.Bikers are the best people inthe world no matter what part of the world we live in.
I like the new pic.You are definiatly a Bad Ass.
Your one of the good ones mate.

[Edited on Mar 25, 2006 9:33AM]
Thank you :p But I want bigger boobies!
frown I can't get my bike out of the shed. A builder I know is layin slabs in front of it and has dug the ground in front for cementing and hasn't been to finish the job for about 3 weeks.(I shouldn't complain, he's doin it for a few beers) Now there's just a strip of muddy ground. It's been a beautiful day here too and...
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when i was stretching i was using buffalo crescents as they stretch really nicely and look quite cool to. you can get them in kits to go as big as you want. checkout wildcat

[Edited on Mar 25, 2006 11:28AM]
go for the tongue. do it!!!! go on!!!!! be brave coz it will hurt wink nad you'll lisp for about 3 days and live on ice-cream and mashed potato hehe
I need to earn more money. The hobbies I have and way I lead my life are just way too pricey for my liking.
I need a new motorcycle helmet and I've just spotted a new Olympus SLR camera that I've fallen in love with and MUST have, it's pretty cheap (for an SLR) at 499. It's gonna leave me skint tho. frown
nah nc35, rvf not vfr. upside down forks hee hee.. my lickle bike.. good for a shortarse like me. The crims rock, i'm lucky enough to be guest listed for pretty much any gig I wanna go to. helps when you know the band! I soooo should be working but ive got fridayitis.. biggrin
Yeah my baby's fun..def a good laugh to ride. I like guest lists, it means I can spend the money I would have burned on a ticket on useful things. Like Stella. Or Tequila. Very useful when you want to get shitfaced.. biggrin
I know Biker Build Off is kinda "order some bike bits and bolt em together and sell for a hundred grand" stuff most of the time, but some of these dudes have real fuckin talent. I'm seriously startin to hanker after a killer hardtail chop after watchin this show all the time.
Russell Mitchell and Billy Lane... just too cool. Pair of dudes. smile
I'm trying to behave tongue

Lets look at the vehicles-

Honda 2.2 Prelude
Aprilia RSV-Tuono 1000

Hmmmmn whatever

We'll see smile
I love both those guys.2 mates of mine have met Russell Mitchell and say he is the coolest dude ever.That is saying a lot because one of the guys is Irish,like me,and HATES the English and didn't like Russell until he met him in person.I have a lot of arseholes for mates biggrin
I hope to see both builders at the Sturgis Rally this year.
Look mate,you don't need to spend an arseload of pounds on a V-twin.You can do like me and get an older metric engine thats been sitting in some old blokes garage for years and build a really nice hardtail out of that,for about a fifth of the cost of a big V-twin.
Anyone else watch My Name Is Earl, on C4 friday nights? Has me in fits every week, I absolutely love it. Gets you kinda thinking....
...What would be on your list of wrongdoings to people over the years that you would like to put right or make up for?
Karma, you gotta love it. smile
I could never do enough to erase the sins that I commited in my youth.I was once a soldier.
However I am now a buhdist (of sorts) and have made;a kind of peace with my former life.I am not the same person I used to be.
Don't get me wrong mate.I'm a complete fucking lunatic when it comes to partying and being a full on biker.I told you-a buhdist,of sorts.However I am a much better buhdist than I ever was a christian wink
It comes down to,I have reconsiled my animal nature with my spiritual nature.My life has been a million times better since that day.
I wish the same happiness on everyone out there.Life is good if you let it be.
Don't take life to seriously,it's going to kill you anyway biggrin My favorite quote of all time.
love that show its ace
Nothin happenin here worth mentioning and I'm bored. frown
I don't know about respectable wink but it was one hell of a niceparty.
Check out the pic my mate snapped of me on my new chopper yesterday.It was the first time I got to ride it.I can't tell if it is really fast or if it's just so close to the ground.
I think that you're right about the way the legislation's going in this country, especially where bikes are concernced frown

When I was starting out in bikes I had a crazy fantasy about riding something like a road going CR500 (before Super-moto caught on) illegally after dark from one hiding place to another because biking had become against the law. Now I can see this in the not too distant future mad

Just makes me want to emmigrate even more whatever