My radio is stuck in the 80's (XM 44 First Wave to be precise). This song always brightens my day.

The early days of MTV were wonderful. Now it's turned to crap.frown
Yeah. I've got the gamecast on, just finished some game on my PS3, so I'll tune in to the late game comeback and then choke.

Yeah, I've been in exile since 1991. I'd comeback if not for those monetary issues.

I don't know about online stuff (even though I'm on forums and all that) not sure if I'm ready to do the whole meeting people for dates online bit.

May be the only option though, unless when I get into school it'll be easier to meet people.

I'm not the meet someone at a bar or wherever and ask them out type.
Good point, might as well try eh? We'll see. Isn't adult friend finder a more "exotic" dating website? Like for hook ups and stuff? or is it one of the relatively normal ones? Boyo, I've been out of the game so long it's all intimidating. haha.

Twins almost come back and lose...predictably. Ach well.
Gotta hand it to Gardy, the Twins never give up. Down 8-1 to the Red Sox, they came back to win 9-8 and took the Mayor's Cup for the first time in 5 years.

What made it all the sweeter was MLBTV had the NESN feed, and the gloating Red Sox announcers had to eat their fucking words. Smarmy bastards.

What a blowup by former...
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Lucky for me I had one on the computer, the other on the TV...although I need to get HDTV, especially if I'm stuck here for two more years. Non-HD hockey is like watching it in the early 90s.
I get it in HD on my playstation and computer, so I get both of those. Worth the money. You get your favorite teams for free, and honestly, if you have NHL TV or the even better MLB TV, then its a waste of money to get more.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Actually, I kind of like them. Bifocals made it hard to see the computer screen without leaning in.

You going to be at Omalleys tonight? I work til 7 and no work tomorrow, so I'll be there ready to take home some money! haha
Well now it is official (and bifocal). You are OLD. Welcome. Want some coffee?
Goodbye old friend...

One of my favorite piercings was forced into retirement this week. I had it for nearly seven years, and I miss it.frown
Thanks for the offer to pick up my dinner on wedneday night! Very nice of you, and I appreciate the offer. If I hadn't been surprised by the fact that you wanted to do that, I would have let you. So maybe if you want to get together early again sometime I'll let you do that. It just caught me off guard and I feel bad when people offer things like that out of the blue. plus I would feel guilty getting extra chips at the game knowing that you're paying for my food, LOL. Anyways, hope to see you again this coming wed! Have a good weekend!!
Yeah, I think our favorite NHL team is in full out fucking tank/typical choke mode. Which pisses me off, because they always tank, but never tank to the point that the team will get a potential star player in the future.

Just back in the pack bullshit.

The Walleye are killing me, and I'd rather be rooting for my teams in both playoffs rather than: NHL - Bahston then SJ or whoever plays against Detroit and ECHL: whoever plays against Kzoo, and if Cincy gets in.

C'mon hockey gods, throw us a fucking bone. We deserve one.

As for the Twins, no MLB network for me, but I'll pay for MLB.tv again so I can watch all the games, or extended highlights (like 20 minute games -- greatest invention ever).
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me...

This well known adage which baffled George W Bush has come back to haunt Edmonton Oiler goaltender Nikolai Khabibulin.

Back in 2006 Khabibulin was with the Chicago Blackhawks. The game went to the shootout, where Wild forward Pierre-Marc Bouchard did this:

Fast forward to tonight. Khabibulin should have seen this coming:

We were...
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I will try to make it then! My trip wasn't all that exciting, LOL
Hey, I just found a queen bed frame on craigslist in shoreview, I'm going to go try and pick that up before coming to poker. I might be able to make it back in time to sit down with you guys, but thought I would send a quick note to let you know first! I could definitely use some food tonight too!! Hope I can make it in time!
I don't get excited about much these days, but tomorrow an event will have my full attention. I've been a fan of the TV game show Jeopardy for years. In college I studied computer science. This is where it comes together.

For the last 4 years IBM has been developing a computer that can play Jeopardy, its name is Watson (after IBM founder Thomas Watson)....
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Forgot to give you my take on your hockey comment for when you saw the Aeros.

First off, I thought it was awesome they played a game up there, would be cool if Bakersfield did too, although from first hand experience they aren't super great or anything. All the Gophers are on other teams too, which blows, because I always look out for the Minnesota boys, and there are a bunch in the ECHL.

I thought when the Wild drafted Leddy (who they then traded away to Chicago) I'd get to see him in the ECHL but to no avail.

I like seeing old Gophers like RJ Anderson who I ran down to ice level tapped on the glass put my Gophs jersey up and got a Ski-u-mah and thumbs up from him.

I hear that you've been spoiled, but mainly what we go for is atmosphere and heckling, this is stuff you just can't get in the NHL. You can't be a "reason" a team gets into a game. We are like ultras of our own small soccer team somewhere that can control what the fan base does at any given time.

And honestly, the hockey isn't that bad, and our seats are amazing (Six rows above the net, home side shoots twice on).

I remember when I went to my first game and thought the Gophers could put together better power plays, and in some cases I think they could, but for 15 dollars a ticket, you can't really beat it.

I don't mind the shit hockey, I want to win, if it's sloppy it's sloppy. If I get to heckle players and make them blow kisses at me back and yell and call people cowards for not looking at me, then it's a good night.

Sports seem so separated from the fans these days, Minnesota and hockey is a bit different, but look at the NFL now, or really any major sports league.

This franchise just went out of the way for myself and our group of fans, they in essence fought for us. Can we say most local professional franchises do that for most people? Probably not.

Look at the NFL maybe going to a lock out when TAXPAYERS paid for their fucking stadium (interesting bit Mike Florio talked about on ProFootballTalk.com. I don't know if you listen to KFAN, but he's usually on there, he's a lawyer and runs that site. He said, communities that have taxpayer stadiums could look into suing the NFL if they go to a lock out for all their lost money [up to 160 million in some communities]).

I guarantee if you came here you'd have a blast in our section, and that's what it's all about (but yes, I want to win games, I'm not just happy to have hockey -- which is the attitude of some in Toledo).
I thought the Wylfs were willing to pay a third or something like that? Really, they need to contribute because the state has just built 3 new stadiums and now they want a fourth.

Businesses will benefit, but you the individual won't really, you'll just get to watch your favorite team on Sundays.

Won tonight in OT.

We started the "Quack" chant Mighty Ducks style and then the Walleye won in the shootout against one of our most hated teams.

Yeah, Wild/Wings tomorrow, and Celtic/Rangers. Two of my favorite teams playing two of my most hated.

I heard Koivu may be out for some time, to the point they may have to trade to get another center.....
Another tale from the "nothing is easy" files...

So last week we had the repairman out to "fix" the washer. $129 later he said it needed a new motor which would cost $500, but since the unit was 11 years old, it hardly seemed worth doing. Off to Best Buy for a new washer and dryer (why bother with a 11 year old dryer?)

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I could have had about 30 things. Don't worry there will be more. One of my personal favorites since I've worked there is "with enough lubricant you can stick a bowling ball up a gnat's ass".

What effort to put an appliance in eh? I'm not handy at all, I would have had no clue what to do in that situation.

One of the things I think I missed not having a dad growing up was how to fix a lot of things. I mean, give me a book, I'll figure it out, but just random handyman jobs I never really got to do.
We had the washing machine repair man out today and paid $129 to find out it would be better to buy a new one. Then there's no point keeping the old dryer and waiting for it to die.

He said their home office is in Chicago and they were out at 2pm today and off tomorrow. This storm sounds like the real deal. I think...
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Oh, to be certain they will be fine. I feel more sad that they cannot help, and that the state of things is devolving. I do hope that the situation will be resolved in good time - whatever that even means. My brain is a bit low today.

Wishing you better electronic luck and quick healing to the tattoos, love.
I know nothing of baseball, but I am a BIG fan of spring. I do enjoy the month of February, though! I might be one of the few. smile
Another year has passed, and I have a bunch of new SG friends since I wrote this. Sorry about the "rerun", but most of you haven't seen this.

A sense of humor and optimism.

Bad news...

It all started back in November 2006, just before Thanksgiving. I had this "thing" on my right arm. It had been there for quite a while, and it wouldn't...
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I agree, that's what I always say. I remember being up in Virginia for Thanksgiving and it was -17, and i was in shorts and a t-shirt and felt fine, but when a breeze came by I was like, ok, now it's a little bit cold. biggrin

Problem is here its really windy. Where I'm at now which is basically off a major highway exit with fuck all to block the wind it can be pretty bad and drifts can develop.

Apparently if we get a "Level 3" warning tomorrow then I don't go to work. People may work themselves into such a lather that happens, otherwise I'm expecting a quiet Wednesday as most businesses have already called it off, so we won't have a ton to do.
Well, you know if Chicago is shutting down, it's the real deal. Then again, they get this shit PLUS all of the lake effect. Unlike where I am. I just get extra wind for being in the middle of nowhere off the main highway.

They are Minnesotans, just get Paul Bunyan and Babe to pull the new Washer/Dryer in and it'll all be sorted.
The perfect anti-Christmas...

We drove the half mile to my sister's house in our pajamas, feasted on hot dogs and watched How to Train Your Dragon.

Mom died 22 years ago today. This time of year has lost all sense of pleasure for me. I am now 100% Grinch.

I am.

Let me just throw this tidbit about the Canucks game at you in case you already haven't heard it and jumped for joy.

4 goals for the Wild, and a shutout for their 4th string goaltender in the Canucks first division loss.

Worse shutout loss in 2+ years too for them and.....Wild are 4-0 in the past four home games against Vancouver, outscoring the Canucks 21-6 with nine power-play goals.

Visiting depends on my aunt really. I'm trying to get two birds with one stone, she's planning on visiting my Gramps up in "The Queen City" of Virginia, so I want to get out there at the same time.

Not sure when she is going yet, but if I plan it right I'll have some days down south near the cities and then go up north.

When I do visit, I'll bring you and your wife some Walleye swag.
Ah! Russo the beat writer has his facts wrong then! biggrin

Sad to hear its still been a trying time, but I would expect it to be especially when everything isn't all sorted out yet. When my Dad died they sorted shit out for what seemed ages, as he didn't have a will and at the time I think everything went to the son...and I was six. So....you had all that to deal with.

Did she leave a will? I hope she did to help you guys sift through things, otherwise it'll just take a bigger toll on your wife if she's the one that has to deal with all of it.

I tease Electrohead about being a reason for our insane losing streak at the beginning of the season.

Every game he wore his Nabokov jersey to (he's a sharks fan), they lost and one night I just told him "dude, its the jersey".

Now he doesn't wear it and I believe has 4 wins under his belt, not so bad eh?

My Torpedo Yaroslavl 2002 jersey is 2-0...part of me never wants to wear it again in fear its undefeated streak will be broken.

I still need to get a new wild jersey, I have the first one they ever put out but its wayyyyy too small, and I have a Kuba one (the old green one found it on ebay in college for 30 bucks) but its tight and all the new ones cost eleventy billion dollars.

So, unless I have a spare almost 200 bucks lying around (which at the moment I don't) no jersey for me.

Plus, Boogaard left and that's who I would have wanted, but with NHL.com you can't get old players on your jersey, which makes no sense.

Right now it would probably be between Brunette, Clutterbuck, Koivu and Cullen because he's from Virginia.
My wife and I have been married for 2 years today. Under normal circumstances we would go out to dinner. However today's snow is not normal circumstances.

Our plow guy came and did the driveway just before 7 AM and it is totally drifted over already. I guess we've only had 6 inches, but the drifts are up to 2 feet, and it's still coming...
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Do you regret not finishing college? Do you want to go back?

At many points I wasn't going to finish college, especially with that last class being the worst I've ever taken in my educational career and also if I didn't get at least a C, my GPA would be too low to ever graduate.

So, the pressure and the fact it sucked so much made it take essentially two years to finish it or maybe 1 1/2 and in a way, regardless of how I played it college would be "over". Degree or no degree.

Well, at least right now it turns out that a college degree means absolutely fuck all. It's really completely useless unless it seems you are doing more school or have a degree in something that you need to study to become -- doctor, lawyer etc.

Hey, just remember you could be watching a shit team in Toledo who never wins when we go (except when certain friends aren't there it seems...haha). Actually you and your wife would probably have a blast sitting with us, despite the hockey not being NHL caliber and all the losing.

I guess with the Wild we have expectations. It's hard to with Toledo because any time a player shows promise they leave or get pulled up. Those two wins I recently saw? Yeah, they brought down 3 players who they then took right back up after that weekend.

As for the Wild, another year of not making the playoffs and it seems that investment (which for season tickets is quite a bit more for you than me) almost not worth it. Although, if I were you, I'd probably still get tickets every year to see the Gophs and Wild just because I haven't been able to do so living as a Minnesotan abroad.

How much can you see your team lose? How much can you stomach? We as Minnesotans I think are probably right up there with the highest tolerance for being complete shit in terms of sports and sticking by them.

I just wonder what the team would be like if Gaborik wasn't a big pussy and stayed and became the first player to have his jersey retired as a member of this team.

Would someone else have wanted to play with him? Likely. If he stays healthy he's the 3rd best scorer in the GAME. Shame he has no heart.

Havlat just isn't good enough, and the team itself seems to only have world class goaltending, although Backstrom seems a bit down, and the defense is good enough, but they have no one to play with Koivu, as Havlat can't do it, and the rest of the team seems to be seasoned vets (like Brunette who you need) or role players.

In the west how is a team ever going to win like that? I'm putting some hopes that Granlund when he comes over will be the business.

At least we know the team can get actual free agents this time and has past that expansion stage.
Nah mate, wasn't you. I really wasn't consciously thinking of anything. Really I think it's because I haven't been working out like I normally do to get rid of all the "demons" so to speak.

Just spiked then for no apparent reason. When I had hardcore anxiety before there was no trigger, I just had it and all its physical manifestations. Then I got on medication and then there were triggers, and sometimes there wasn't.

If its the same stalled out bullshit, then its happening regardless as I've momentarily stalled out in Toledo, yet with no outlet i.e. boxing or working out.

Tomorrow morning I think I shall begin my strongman training and see if that changes things.
Al Capone's vault redux...

With the death of my sister-in-law comes the need to settle her estate (what little there is). She told my wife she had a will. We spent Saturday afternoon at her house cleaning and searching. There was a safe in the closet, but we couldn't find the combination. Assuming we would find the will inside, we brought it home.

All day...
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It's pretty slow and a hassle to navigate, but it's a nice way to check up on things if I don't have a computer handy.
LOL. Not sure how many people are going to get the Geraldo reference.

No more dealing with this power vent nonsense. My plumber friend's cost on the heater was $800. We're getting a good name brand electric heater for less than half the price and being done with it. I'll update my blog with the gory details.