On to weak knees she falls staring up at the sky, wondering what could have been if she had not made it there just a few months too late. Did they really even want her there or was she just being fooled into something she knew nothing about? She tried so hard to be there for him, watching him get hurt and make the wrong...
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i don't know what else to say.
things are going pretty well for me, thanks! smile
Movies on the Cirterion Collection are highly pretencious - ie Metroplotian

Looking for a friend for the end of the world

Someone who'll take my hand on walks in the park
Someone who'll hold me tight & cuddle
Someone who'll take care of me & bring me soup
Someone who'll make me mixtapes with drawn covers
Someone who'll drive with me to random places

Someone who'll be there own person
Someone who'll contrast and compliment me...
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it's usually when you stop looking that someone will pop into your life and fill that space...
that is a cute song. they sound very much like real big fish. i loved it blush

Waiting For The Moon To Rise

I look over to her, we have been here for hours in each others arms it seems, its amazing how time seems to slow down at those near perfect times in your life when the closeness of some one else's company is just enough to make you smile. Her eyelids heavy from a day spent dreaming of the future...
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The Glorious Burden

It's been December for what seems like months, you know one of those months that are just so cold that no matter what you do cant seem to shake it. Today's date is actually November 11th and around here it doesn't start to get warm till about mid February.

My room is one of those rooms that no matter what I do...
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I am a huge mess right now and I might not make it through the weekend
.....dont talk like that please frownfrownfrownfrownfrownfrownfrown
you're stronger than you think love.
you WILL be strong.
I don't see you being the type to just roll over and accept defeat.
*hugs her peach*

I luff j00 ok.... love
boo what's the matter?? you are the bestest. and you rule my world. blush
I am listening to Ugly Cassanova and Modest Mouse....
That silly Issac Brock and his meth and coke making songs again

"That gir said she was hungry but just kept on swaping our ids"

We lay together, in the warmth of the afterglow, inhale, exhale, ex's andoh no it's getting late. We stumble into a tight embrace, as we sway to the beats of someone else's clock as it counts down till our next chance encounter. Our hands are the last to say good bye as they reach out, to catch a glimpse of some thing so fleeting as...
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So this bottle of cheap wine is almost done
I wont be happy till I wake up in a hospital bed

So I will make a toast to the on comming storm
Let it wash over me with a warm embrace

In the background we hear "Apollo I : The Writing Writer"

I'll gravitate towards you
I will, in the now, hate you

I'll make...
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"Everything I am I hide within the text, and everything in text mirrors me"

I like this
Tonight I was going through all my writing which is a mess to sort out

The only thing I could think of that was any where close to being near finished is "Autumn Leaves" which based on the length of it is more a Novella than it is a Short Story. There is so much in there than needs a fresh look and some feedback....
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Going out to lunch with my mom

Then we are going to go to the used bookstore so I can get a copy of "The Writers Market" and "Literary Market Place" I am going to finally start seeing if I can get myself publushed out there. So tonight I am going to go over all the pieces of writing I have and see what is...
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Oh, that's so sweet that your mom is supportive of your dream of getting published. Wicked. I told my mom that I wanted to be an entimologist and she laughed at me.
This is how much of a loner I am I rented 10 movies tonight

Dead Zone (the movie)
Everything Is Illiuminaded
Hearts In Atlantis
I Shot Andy Warhol
Mnonsters Of Metal (music videos)
Punk Attitude
Rules Of Attraction
Suspect Zero
School Of Rock

Yes. I am that guy who you ask to yourself who rents those movies

Tonight I am really down and I...
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I hope you had a relaxing bath and evening my love smile
*huggles her peach*
what's this about sketchbooks?

also, just so you know, i read your post about school and whatnot in SG CAN E. and i didn't know you were trying to start up a label. i'm taking Music Business Management @ Durham College... maybe that's the program you should be looking into? it covers every aspect of the music industry, and gets in depth in many different areas. its a 2 or 3 year program (diploma, or advanced diploma). want more info?
