Yes! I had a good night tongue I actually don't really remember the end of it though, been doing some research into 'blackouts' during, hoping there's nothing wrong with me.
Yeah, that's what I've read. Don't know if I'm game enough to go see a doctor =p
1. Y'know, it's funny that everybody who is not in the middle of Snowmageddon WANTS to be. But I think if you were here, you'd be a little 'meh' about it. Some snow is cute, more snow is okay, but this much snow may cause a homicidal break.
2. Anti-Valentines Day sounds neat, but that whole lack of somebody to have makeup sex with will make it a bit tricky. Can I get into a pretend fight with my vibrator?
3. LOL, you couldn't pick out anything but the word Ritalin. Irony?

And I like the pictures smile
I totally forgot to respond to your previous comment on my blog! DERP!

Yes, upon entering the military I am guaranteed a paying job. Depending on how I score with my ASVAB, I can choose my career field. Military will then pay for my schooling! My sis, who has been in the Navy for 4+ years, has a correspondence degree from Univ. of Maryland. I believe it is her Bachelor's degree. She's in the Military Police, so her field of study is criminology. After finishing up with school and the Navy she can opt into a program run by the FBI or some jazz like that. The Navy will keep paying for her schooling, too!

Hearing about all of that ish, I think I drooled a little bit. Free school? Kickass job and benefits? Off-base living allowance? I won't mind purging all my belongings 'cause I'll be able to afford suh-weet new ones!

If you're considering it, what's stoppin' ya?
It sounds pretty rad!

What is stopping me is, every friend that I had that joined with the military, either came back completely screwed up, or didn't come back at all. I also don't really agree with the reasons we are overseas and fighting right now, so to join something that I wouldn't agree with doesn't make sense to me. =[
/ begin rant.

I'm burned out on working a job as a "Creative", and being thrown into a verbally abusive environment every day. I do however find it slightly amusing that someone has the power to disrespect you, yet all you can do is respectfully follow directions, and keep quiet. Is there any correlation between an employer needing you around to complete your job, and...
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Lol 3D glasses sans the plastic lenses. tongue
The "HR" department consists of my bosses' sister. Not a good time there.

I think just typing this shit out helped. Don't want to sound like too much of a whiny bitch.

Epi: totally smashing 3d glasses around the house. Thumbs up on that.
Veggie Grill tonight.

" The Veggie Grill Do you know a Veggie Grill Virgin (a friend who hasnt been to The Veggie Grill yet)? Help them see what theyre missing out on, our treat. Bring in a VG Virgin for dinner (after 4pm) this Tuesday, Jan 12th to any of our locations, whisper to the cashier that youve brought in a Veggie Grill Virgin, and...
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This weekend I had the great opportunity to be a part of Help-Portrait in Orange County. The residents of the Orange County Rescue Mission were eagerly awaiting their portraits taken for the holidays, and handful of photographers and stylists were eagerly waiting to give them.

This was a great experience, and it brings a smile to my face when someone with so much hardship in...
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Yesterday, I drove to see my grandma. She lives in the middle of nowhere in Lockwood Valley, just outside of Frazier Park. I bring her a box of 12ga bird shot whenever I visit. It amazes me that she totes a Remington pump action shotgun in her living room. Getting out of the city and being in the mountains for a while really makes you...
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Thanks for the advise man..its hard though. I spent $2k on a engagement ring for her last month...I was going to pop the question after we got our new apartment in a few months.

This picture makes me think I need a vacation...I need a little get away.
Uuuugh. That's brutal man. Well, think about how much worse it would have been if you had already popped the question.

As for vacations, we all need one. I hear Canada is nice, and they welcome flannel clad individuals with open arms.