Hello sorry for disturbing you but I am captured by your profile picture.. It is so impressive and romantic.. Ilove the perspective of this photo.. Who snap it? Are you a photographer? Sorry a lot for disturbing you my apologies and sorry for my English I am from Italy 🙏🌟🙏🙏

You're not disturbing me at all! This picture is from a waterfall in a cave in Iceland, and I took it myself. I'm not a photographer though, just a hobbyist and a hiker haha. Much love from Canada
Hello I am so happy to meet you... Thank you for answering me and for spending time with me I appreciate it so much.. Nice to meet you I am Glenda I came from Italy Naples a city in the south of nation.. Y are a professional for me this snapshot is excellent... Really... Sorry again for bother you.. I hope that we should be in contact.. Kisses from Italy 💋💋💋