This guy is fucking funny.

I am going to set a goal. I am going to assist a photographer. Sounds like a simple goal, but I know exactly 0 photographers I my area that would want an assistant. So this will require me to do the thing I am absolutely the worst at, meeting new people and networking. I guess one thing I can do is email some photographers I...
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i have this total mental block kind of thing that seems to keep me from doing, well, anything. Come up with an idea, spend 30 minutes figuring out why I shouldn't do it, rinse, repeat.

Add in total madhouse levels ADD, and I end up sitting front of my laptop typing this.

I guess it is all based around fear. Fear of rejection, fear of...
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Today I get to gather all my camera stuff into a workable/carryable all day long package. I really need to get one of the set ups with the big lens carriers on my belt.

Tomorrow I am going to be i the pits for the day at the Natiowide race at California Speedway/AAA Speedway whatever it is now. Friend of a friend kind of deal,...
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I am in desperate need of working on and learning to network better. I am bad at the keeping up of connections and tracking them.

And I need to shoot soon. I would love to shoot a set but I seem to have bad luck finding someone to shoot with haha.
I always seem to lose all motivation when I need it the most. Right now, more than anything, I need to be networking with people, being friendly, working towards building a group of friends that can help me shoot more and learn more. What am I doing? Sitting in my room not wanting to do shit!

Its weird, I haven't ever really been this bad....
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Those are beautiful! Is the 2nd one Sash?
I love your drawings ! They are splendid ! Sacred stroke of a pen ! love