I just HAD to comment on this - on the FRONT freakin page of my newspaper (Newsday) is a story about banning summer reading books in school. (As I'm sure you're aware, I am an English teacher, and very much against banning books period - even if its Meinkempf.) And the book chosen to be featured on the cover is one of my...
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I dont believe in the banning of any books, as a book collector
I have a hard time destroying even the worn out reading copies in my collection !

People who want to ban books are usualy narrow minded... Intolerant of any views except their own. Believing others are to ignorant to read and judge for themselves the value of anything they deem unfit !

This goes all the way back to Socrates and the corruption of youth! Also, I think book bans today are interesting in the world of Internet access. Not only is the Internet "worse" than anything the banners want to ban but it makes "The Bluest Eye" etc without the physical book itself.
Just exercised in the pool for an hour and a half. Sure beats walking outside, sweating my ass off! I love these kind of days. Sunny, perfect weather, the pool water was a perfect temperature, and I have nowhere to be, and nothing to do. It's days like today where I don't feel so bad about being unemployed smile

I definitely need to hit up the...
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Hey there! I enjoyed your sugar scrub recommendations on the Makeup - Beauty group. I've actually been looking for a sugar scrub - I got a sample of one from Paula's Choice, but it didn't really smell as delicious as I had hoped (none of her stuff does). I look forward to more of your posts in the group. Welcome to SuicideGirls!

P.S. If you want a truly beautiful place in the US to visit, come to Colorado! We're way nicer than Wyoming, trust me. wink
I have several things to discuss at the moment - the most imminent being my dog Bailey's current state of health. He tends to have an allergic reaction to certain types of lawn seed and/or chemicals. If he comes into contact with any of the seeds or chemicals, he immediately swells to at least one time his size, his skin turns a very bright, unhealthy...
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Venice is nice for couples but I recommend something exotic like Bora Bora!
HI Ally , welcome to the nf group smile
Blah. Still have no job...have no desire to even LOOK for a job, yet feel worse and worse about myself and my life every day because I have turned into a complete bum. Other than my daily 3 mile walk - it's a miracle if I even leave the house. I feel as though I have zero purpose, and that others feel that way about...
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Total mirror. kiss
I am sitting here, at 3:20 am, about to leave to pick up my boyfriend from the train station (he's a cop...in Harlem...and works the night shift. It's truly fabulous for all involved), wondering when life begins to take on the shape of the constant visions I've had in my head since I was an idyllic child, or better yet, angst-ridden teenager...

To brief you...
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Hey neighbor!
Thanks for the friend request.