Ya know, I can't say I've done anything in Mobile except drive through it. I may have to come over some time and experience the madness.
Is there a static electricity quality to drama? Because lately, if I am within a 200 mile radius of it, I get zapped. For no goddamn reason.

And drama is such a lame word. "Drama" and "random" are two of the least colorful words I know. "Beautiful" is another. So, sorry. What I mean to say is... DON'T FUCKING BRING UP OLD SHIT IN A...
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Drama's something I like to think I do a good job of avoiding but then I find myself in trouble time and time again. I may go awhile without it, but inevitably some total hassle finds me. Maybe it's because I dive headlong into it. But I don't mean to. Honest.
Totally cool pics! I love your toes! May I suck 'em! haha! kiss love
wow i am a year late for everything
I don't like christians. In an argument, everything they say sounds like a condescending "I told you so" even when they're wrong. But I am the snarky liberal, intolerant of their holy ways. Since when aren't there liberal christians? GASP! You got your jesus on my political preferences! You got your political preferences on my jesus!

Maybe I am the one who's confused. Am I...
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Emo is pretty homo anyway. Even God couldn't make it worse.
Christians? In Alabama? Who knew? I thought for sure this area was full of open-minded liberal sorts who've grown beyond herd-mentality religion and entered into a sort of continuous dialogue with the supreme being by regularly ingesting all sorts of holy flora. I knew I made a wrong turn somewhere along 65.
SG made me an offer I couldn't refuse. So apparently I will be up in this bitch for the next 365 days at an obscenely low cost to myself.

So what is your favorite thing to do on this site (besides look at naked ladeez)?

Also, most of my friends have moved far away and I have discovered that I am terrible at making new...
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I guess my account expires soon. It's been real...

Real lame. skull
damn... just about the time i found people from mobile on here
Take my quiz, minions.

If you don't know me by now...
who are you calling a minion?! tongue

I'd take that quiz but I think the odds of me failing are great. lol.
Well... well.......... WEEEELLLLLLLLL.

Look, bitches... my account expires pretty soon and I'm debating whether or not to renew it. Really, what does this site do for me? T&A? I got that for free. The social outlet of semi-anonymous journal posts? I got 3 other journals.... all free. Besides, no one reads this shit anyway. LE SIGH. The main reason I consider renewing is for photo...
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Damn the truth, something that is rarely spoken any more. Just for that you get a Hip Hip Hooorayyy!!!!
Damn the truth, something that is rarely spoken any more. Just for that you get a Hip Hip Hooorayyy!!!!
that is my plan. i saw jamie today.
I should shop for a couple new "favorite" suicide girls. Do people judge you by your little list? I would judge me. I'm judging you right now.

Still waiting to find out if I passed comps. Nerveracking.

And... despite the medical assertion that I am not sick, I still feel like poo and am coughing hard enough to trigger my gag reflex. That is a...
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hope you get better soon. my allergies have been acting the fool lately but so have i.
I am sick. At least I think so. There are some clues that led me to this conclusion:

A fever
A cough
A sore throat
A thick plug of snot trapped in each nostril
A headache
A chill

Someone, please check my math.

I have consulted a medical doctor who asserts there is nothing wrong with me. "There's no way you can be sick, you've...
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maybe it's allergies?

Did you get the new Ryden book? I ordered it the other day. It's from his Wondertoonel exhibit. I can't wait to get it! biggrin

pssst. I hope you feel better!