Mother's day was rough but the boys enjoyed spending time with Grandma, Great Grandma, Aunt T and their cousins, so it was a good day overall. Got sucked into some political arguing with my Dad, as usual. He's so asininely conservative I can't help but comment when he's spewing the most narrow minded things. *sighs* To make things more complicated my car broke down on...
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Hey there! Thanks for wishing me well after my accident and for graduation. I'm glad to see you're doing better. It's all progress, which I know you probably know. Just stay strong!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

So my psychiatrist has ruled me unable to work for the foreseeable future. I'm not shocked, though I'm a little disappointed with myself. I've been handling my bipolar disorder for 17 years now and this last year has been the hardest in my life. I know I shouldn't be too hard on myself, with all the stressful things I've been...
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Hug! That's alot for anyone to take in. You are doing the best you can with the hand you've been dealt. Hell you are handling this way better then I ever could and I'm supposedly sane. Good luck my friend! smile
Well, I think I shall shave my head. So far the advice I've gotten from my friends has been 2 to 1 in favor of shaving, so since the summer is coming it's a good season for it.

So, a Poll. Should I shave my head again or let my hair grow out?
it's that in-between stage that's so rough. tho, when i was growing out my hair it was so soft and baby-like for the first few months. virgin hair!
I was talking to the lovely junecarter and organizing some of the thoughts. I know I've been venting a lot of negative emotions on here lately. That's partly because I feel like this community has been the most supportive that I've had since my wife passed away.

My problem is that I come from a family line riddled with mental disease. My mom's side of...
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Well, the last couple weeks I've been having mood swings beyond comprehension. My meds have kept me from being purely depressed, but at the same time they make me so tired I'm having trouble functioning. So then I drink caffeine to stay awake. Too much caffeine and I get really irritable. This cycle has me on a roller coaster and I'm just not digging it....
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I know exactly how you feel..........
So I am inebriated. I have been relaxing with my friend Jack and doing a tarot reading for a beautiful young woman who is tragically uninterested in me.

I almost had a bit of a date today, but that fell through. I'll survive I'm a big boy. I might have coffee with her later this weekend.

I'm in an odd place this evening. I'll probably...
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just about anything you can think of. mink, skunks, coyotes, foxes, birds of all sorts. XD
yeah id i totally understand where u are coming from id kiss hope u will be ok. this is my nite for breaking out ha, ha, hopefully i will be ok tomorrow frownwink
Toronto I shall NOT be going. The passport services have decided that the 30 year old birth certificate that I had issued at birth no longer counts as valid identification. So I have to order a new birth certificate from Rhode Island, then when it arrives mail that to passport services. No way that'll come in time for me to get to the Con. So...
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Toronto, I shall be there from Thursday May 27th to Sunday May 30th. Anime Convention here I comes!!
thank you. it is so horribly intrusive and annoying.
I know! it got to the point where i had "show meat" in my freezer just in case i didnt go to the store before a visit or something. i was scared to let my boys jump around and play or wrestle too much just in case one of em got a bruise or anything that might be construed. nice to know there's more "normal" people out there being unnecessarily attacked by judgmental strangers smile