I am in love with KT Tunstall. I just randomly got handed one of her videos on Launch and was blown away.
I mean seriously.
Look At This
And This
She's adorable. And something about this tiny woman stomping on a tambourine is making me so very happy. and her voice OMG. Love love Love love Love

Update: KT Tunstall just helped me clean one of my...
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your so lovely i just had to add you as a friend immeditaly smile

[Edited on Feb 13, 2006 1:37AM]
She is so cute!
I found the most amazing pair of boots today. Knee-high. Super soft. Chocolate brown. Italian suede.
They fit like a glove and I never want to take them off. And the best part... I got them at Goodwill for $2.99!!! My friends are gonna hate me for that.

I can't stop sleeping lately. My life has become a series of naps interrupted by work... and...
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i like the stained glass piece in your pics...did you design it? make it?
I slept ALL day. seriously. when the cats woke me up for food i saw that it was all gloomy looking outside and decided that getting awake for the day just wasn't gonna be worth it. I had no idea that it rained and then froze and snowed a little bit until Garrett was leaving for work and had to scrape ice off his car....
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Your awsome.

I know that car is amazing I can not wait till friday.
I just got an text from the most gorgeous girl that read

"20,000 people are having sex, 10,000 poeple are fucking, 9,995 are making love, 90 are hugging and kissing and one lonley fucker is reading this"

That was not very nice, was it.
but it was funny at the time.
I am filthy and exhausted and sore, but I'm home now and the oven is finally clean. Dismantling and cleaning a pizza oven is the most tedious and retarded thing I have ever been paid to do. I hate it with a hate that comes from deep down in the bottom of my soul. I've done it twice now and the first time I seriously...
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thanks for your comment on my set...xoxo
#66 is my favorite too... love
Poor Liitle you I can go home and kick some sence into your boss if you would like. Hey arent you the manager cant you just train some one to do it for you. I think I may have asked you that before. all well.
Well just wanted to say hello. miss you alot.

love you later.
I'm going skiing in the morning!!! YAY!! I haven't been skiing in like 4 years. I'm so excited. I just got the rest of my gear all ready and i want to go now! hopefully the palm will hold a charge long enough for me to listen to the music i just put on there. I need an MP3 player, seriously. This thing just isn't...
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err mite actually be able to pay it in 2 a paypal account will email u the details.hey what details do you need to put it into a pay pal account ?let me know soon if you can.if your still interested in buying it?cheers.x

[Edited on Jan 23, 2006 6:04AM]

[Edited on Jan 23, 2006 11:57AM]
hey if its ok just send the money well concelled in an envelope for me and when i recieve it il post you the watch.if you want someone to vouch that im of good character b4 you send the money to me go to stella4starand ask her.thanks for getting back to me.
I need to update, although there's nothing much going on.
I got a haircut. just a small one. actually, just bangs, but I'm loving it. I don't have the courage to chop off hair that's taken me a really long time to grow out, but this was enough of a change to make me happy for a while.
Got my computer fixed. YAY!
Hired a...
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hey have posted on the vintage page.thanks for the interest even if you decide its not for you.x
i've come to the conclusion that i won't really be sleeping much this week. There's just way too much to do and long hours at work. I'm afraid that when Christmas finally gets here i'm not gonna have the energy to get out of bed.
I think i've figured out that the "surprise delivery" we're getting on Thursday is a new bed. This is really...
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Hey Sweetness
I have been doing a whole lot of nothing and have had very limited internet time.
How are you gorgeous, hope you and your husband enjoyed the tamales.
just sayin hello have not talk to you in a while you should give me a call some time I still have the same number and I get out of class at 11 a.m. now so
yea later sweetheart.

also whanted to say that the pic of you above is awsome I love it.
Got most of the Christmas shopping done today. I know we're cutting it close this year, but there hasn't been time or money to do it until now. There's just a couple things left to take care of. and of course the wrapping. My boss is finally out of town this week, so i'm in charge. Bleh. and i'm basically at work for the rest...
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Sorry they dont have a Mac OS thingy or what ever they are currently working on it
I am sorry for wasting your time go to bed see ya soon ok
did you here any thing about that final fantasy movie is so let me know
last week at work was awesomely good. i worked normal Monday and Tuesday. closed early and went out drinking with the other managers Wednesday then drank some more with friends. Had Thursday off. worked like 2 hours Friday. Had Saturday off. opened the store on Sunday and everything went right for the first time ever.
I think this week is going to be equally awesomely...
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I finished one of them I had to do a creative memoir. Write about some kind of food, or event involving food and how it makes or made me feel. so I wrote about making enchiladas with my mom and other sibling it is a bit funny.
Now I have to write a resteraunt review, I was supposed to go to some fancy resteraunt and order a three coarse meal and critic it , but since I am low on funds I cant really go and spend a but load of money just to write a report , that blows.
The cello would be fun to learn I recall seeing a band from cincinati or some thing like that I cant recall theer name but they had a cute blonde chick playing an electric cello that had a picture of Eddie from Irom maiden on it. It was the coolest thing ever.
you should really learn you would be awsome I might like you more.
Just playing you know I love ya.
Oh yea I want to learn how to play the harmonica that would be loads of hip fun.
I was at school one day going out for a smoke and this sound was coming from the stair well so like a curious cat I walk down the steps and some guy is playiny the harmonica tearing the shit out of it. totally kicking out some awsome blues so I walk back up the stair well were he wouldnt be bothered and listened for a minit and just kicked back and had a blues break with this dude it was great.
Well your probably in bed know so I will chat with you tomorro ok or yea I will still be up till about eight o clock

[Edited on Dec 14, 2005 6:03AM]
Hello I just had a few drinks with my roomate that is cool. We went out to Lucky Baldwins a cool place here in Pasadena. Then we went to see went to a place called Jakes its a cool place i go to kareoke but I did not get to sing. that sucked next week is finals. Ahhhh and then tomorro I am going to do this thing called Buffet day. I asked my brother to come but he might not. We are serving Mediterainian food it will be alright.
Love ya I will explian tommorro.
so last night i was just playing around on the internet and i found IMVU. It's so freakin' cute! I love the whole 3D avatar thing. it's kinda like playing with dolls cuz you get to change their hair and clothes and stuff. and i really love the interactions with the people you chat with like kissing and punching and wedgies and stuff. it's...
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Thank you for the flash back I do recall fealing really shitty that night, I was Kareoking, alone like always, and some big lady gave me some pills for the head ache I had, took them continued drinking felt nausious. Left the porter house,whent to sharis and thats were we met. Ahh those were the days.

Welll I just got done working like 15 hours and I have to get up at eight and start all over again.

love you
bye biggrin
That IMVU thing is cool. I HAVE to know what you can buy with the Adult Pass... so dirty.
okay, i haven't updated my journal in like 2 months, i've been pretty lame really, not much to update. and i'm lazy. But i'm updating now in honor of my friend Gabe who i just found out has been a member of this site since August. (and i just found out! seriously, boys, gee-whiz. I swear, they see boobies and forget they have friends tongue )...
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Movie.thats what in meant
In time i will take photos of my dishes and put them on the sight so you can see what i am making,and you can be jealous
Goodnight , i get out out of class at 11 usually,
try to haqve fun at work i guess
bye ARRR!!!