
I shall repeat that sentiment as I feel I need to.

Ugh! puke

Damn hangover skull Went out for a "few drinks"(when is it ever just a few?!) with my friend Lee last night. Whenever we are together things usually end up drunken and stupid.
As in....doing really really stupid things.

Like....oh I dunno...breaking into a construction site renovating a hotel in town, climb,piss about, go...
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*grin* I say that all the time. Heh.

Superglue is my favorite way to solve bleeding issues. Or duct tape.

Have a great time tonight, and be safe.

That explains the scuffling noises in the closet. And I thought it was underwear gnomes! Heh.

God. I bet they would use my razor and get hair caught in between blades...ick!! You can keep them!!!!!

Glad to hear the rest of your organs stayed in your body. You really do not need a spleen...it is just extra baggage as far as I'm concerned. I mean, really. What does that big bag of nastiness do? Same for the gallbladder...and the appendix!? WTF?

Ladies and Gentlemen the Captain has turned on the WTF light, would all passengers please return to their seats, and fasten your safety belts. Once we are clear of the WTF, the captain will again turn off the WTF light, and you will be allowed to roam about the cabin. Thank you for your cooperation. wink

A bad shave would definitely sway my vote. I hate razor burn!!! wink

damnit i didnt know they caught that on tape! shocked tongue





This is how bored I am...I taught myself how to play piano.

Well more specifically, I worked out what notes are in various chords on one of my guitars and then worked out what keys to press from that.

I now have cramp in both hands.
There goes my love life. whatever

I need some new friends who actually want to...
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Indeed. wink

That would be the very song that is persisting in to day two now! Ugh! Why can I not pick something cool like a Sisters of Mercy song??! Noooo WHAM! Oi.

guitars are sexy and when a boy has one in his arms it makes him sexy *drool*....

thx for the comment on my pixbtw. i didnt do that sexyness on my pic. my friend did. My graphic stuff doesnt compare to his. I TRY HARD THOUGH !!
Happy moods are great.

I'm smiling like I've been newly lobotomised (might explain these mysterious scars on my forhead too...and to think my parents told me I got them falling on to our marble fireplace's iron rail as a kid...bastards).

Went out with a few friends the other night and ended up in a "fancy dress" party at a local club. We knew the owner...
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"Please enter your journal entry."


It's not fair that you cant delete a journal entry.

Hindsight is clearly not applicable here.


Take my last mentally stable and sencical entry as below.


Ok,so I removed my old profile pic like I said I would. Strangely I found the only pic I liked contained as little of me as possible.
Though it does contain a...
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ooooh whats up? confused
best journal comment ever btw biggrin kiss
"You know if we could only manage to get that finger Jack is holding up and plug it into Kellys mouth there....we'd solve alot of aural pollution!

Now if only we could find something big enough to plug Jack's mouth with......"

Hahahaha, now that's a plan smile
Something big enough to plug Jack's mouth? Eesh, now that's a tough one. Saturn?
Ok I need a new profile pic. That one sucks donkey nob.

Shall get on that...I do hate trying to get a good pic of me though. The camera hates me. Probably revenge from when I broke two of my parents cameras as a child by seeing if they took pictures underwater.

I also need either a job or a passtime. I've been climbing the...
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i really have to stop desiring train wrecks of girls as it's bad for me.
However there's just something....I don't know....about that whole thing.

Were you ever about to see a nasty crash, you knew it would be horrible...but you just cant look away?
I think it's just the imperfections in people that make them bearable and attractive to me.

It's prob about me more...
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I'm not sober, but not drunk.
I'm in alcohol limbo!

Doo de doo dooo Doo de doo doo

Oh wait...that's that twilight zone.


I wore my ace 3/4 lenght black jacket out tonight. I love that thing, but I will always get at least one person asking "were you at a funeral?"

When I actually wore it to my granda's funeral some old cow...
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Holy crap that was a crazy easter-period.

Booze. Girls. More booze. More girls. Chocolate. Sex. Fights. Entertainment.

Just like Jesus would have wanted.

I really don't know exactly why my life has recently changed from being the shut-in-depressed-bored-recently-dumped-saddo to the guy-hainvg-a-great-time-and-suddenly-gets-more-girls-than-all-of-the-last-two-years-combined-in-two-weeks but I really dont mind.

I've now got to avoid the whole subject with my friends as I think it seems like boasting, when...
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Haha, if they were really made of sushi I'd probably feel a lot less sick now, I can eat mountains and mountains of sushi smile
Yorkie is most definitely for girls too. Mmmm...chunky goodness...
Limescale is SO shitty, the water is here is crap. I am totally over reacting, but I'm fed up of the shower not making me feel as clean as it used to, my cups of tea having bits in and not tasting as good as they do back home, and the water having to be filtered to stop it from tasting like pennies. Bah.
I know! Man I hate those make over programmes. Half the time all the person needs is a decent haircut and some clothes advice and they always take it wayyy too far. Bah.
All is RIGHT with the world today! Once more!


Ahh Good Friday, the only day in Ireland where you can't buy alcohol.
The night before people buy drink like it was a fucking drought!

This country is hilarious.
Thx for the Comment hun smile