I have some cool, profound, thought-provoking things to say, but I'm way fucking busy with packing. It's amazing how much STUFF I have! You don't realize how many possessions you do have until you start putting everything in boxes. Most of it is books, lots of books, many unread but possibilities, I have a lot of clothes too, and bedding stuff, and photos waiting for...
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So we just finished our biggest and most important final exam...went to a bar. Played some darts...good ol' college shit. I had a really good conversation with a classmate who is way cooler than i had thought. I will share some wisdom I learned from her tomorrow. But tonight, I'm exhausted and must sleep. The school year is pretty much over, but I got a...
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Yes! You said my finger was big!

I am "well endowed." AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!

moving to san francisco will be fun.. i am glad you are done with a huge important exam..
They say that LA men are never looking for relationships, that they don't want to commit. I had fought against becoming an "LA man," but...whether it's being here, or just where I am in life right now....I've decided that I don't want to be tied down.

I just want to experience new people, new things, be completely free to get to know a variety of...
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Damn. I feel for you, friend. Sex does complicate things. Just get out there, be your loveable self, and love will come to you when you least expect it (I'm living proof of that!).

Have you tried the Morningstar veggie bacon? It's pretty good! smile
stoopid boys.
"These dogs are dressed to the 9s, like they're dancing at the Whitehouse." --Hank Hill

Damnit, I just rammed my forehead into the open microwave door...fuckin' microwave door hinge that only goes one way. Ouch. mad
Time to get the study on...don't bother me. Okay, bother me!

*Tiptoes into your room like your mother to leave you hot cocoa and leaves*
Tell me: will I ever be able to listen to Ani Difranco without getting goosebumps? I pretty much have to sing to avoid crying? Why, Ani, why? kiss I'm such a macho man.

So Cal's storms are fucking weak compared to the Texas Hill Country. But I take what I can get. smile

enjoying the rain rain rain... biggrin

"gotta have kaya now, for the rain is fallin'"...
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i'm talking about the Austin rains, but yeah, I remember the flooding. But, i did not like it because all I wanted to do all summer was ride my bike and hang out at barton springs, but it was flooded! Boo.

But I do miss the thunderstorms...it's cool when it floods during the school year too. Unless ofcourse you're in the flood plane.
Thanks for the compliment, yo!

Methinks I shall try to yell at the top of my lungs now... smile
Just wanted to say that I'm in love with SuicideGirls for the fucking community! It's utterly amazing to me what went down last night. SGers surrounded this guy in love and support and saved his life. I was never more proud to be on SG, and I was also glad to be human for the first time in a while. So fucking great! This site...
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It is amazing, isn't it? I had been a little disinterested in the boards as of late but now I realize again just why I'm here.
I got your Korematsu right here baby. Want some US v. Morrison for that ass? Yeah. I'm ready to kick Constitutional Law's ass tomorrow!

Hehe, law school humor. It's the greatest. I'm delirious from coffee and studying cases all day.

My girl is really not being very receptive to my shows of affection (and it's all verbal b/c she's 1700 miles away). She says she...
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I already read what you said and I deserve it.
You know what's fucked up?...ownership of land. Don't get me wrong, it'd be cool to have my own farm, house on the prairie, suburban house (though I'd prefer an urban flat), but what bugs me is the thought that 100% of the land in the US is owned by somebody. It's either privately owned, owned by a corporation, or owned by a government. Isn't it...
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Yeah, and even more than that, the govt. can just take your property if they have a public reason to.
Hmm....I think this is an ok thing.
she already realixed that. I went up to talk to her after avoiding her for a few weeks... told her the real story about something. and she apologized for treating me the way she did, she gave me a hug. and her hugs to me aren't just friendly hugs they're hugs you'd give to someone you really love and want close to you.

I'm going to give it one more go tonight... see if she wants to do something shoot pool watch movies.... (that is if she's at work cause I have to stop by anyways)... I'm going to bring up the flakyness... tell her I guess she never got off work cause I never got called. and there are no excuses... most people she knows have my number. and she wrote it down just 2 nights ago. for the 5th time or so.

anyhow I just wanna hang out... she talked about having a movie night cause I'm kind of behind when it comes to the classics. that would be nice
so would be shooting pool with just her.
I've just spent an hour tooling around on SG...could this be a sign of things to come?

The exam was a bear...a polar bear, and I was looking for a grizzly. It kicked my ass, and it wasn't enjoyable. My brain is now poop. (As perhaps a comparison of this entry to previous will attest.) My eyes are dry and sore. But I'm wearing my...
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it's probably selfish no matter what decision you make...selfish to have them despite the bad things in the world and selfish to not have them because you don't want to spend time on another being. But I don't think selfish is a necessarily bad thing, so I don't use the term negatively.