Just came back to say thanks for the kind words...being away for several months and I gained like 10 SG friends. It's nuts. If only gaining real friends was as easy as not doing anything.

That is all. I'm still not considering myself back on this site. In fact, I'll probably be leaving soon for good.

Love eachother.
FINE! but happy birthday to us anyway.
my ranking or whatever has dropped to one. I have no friends here anymore. Eh...but I am experiencing more of life outside my apartment, which is an improvement. Buenos noches. Love each other.
i'll be your friend.
crap, i did something wrong and the damn comment above this one posted twice. i can't delete it, oops.

what's sad is this happens like everyday. you'd think i'd learn.

[Edited on Nov 29, 2003 9:14PM]
I just got back from this bar called Dubliners in Noe Valley, in San Francisco, in California, which is a state of the union called The United States of America. It really doesn't matter. Point is, I wrote a lot of prose/poetry/diary shit, had 4 big glasses of Heffeweisen (sp?) (one on the house!), laughed at my self, listened to a good jukebox (Korn, Led...
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drank a protein shake in the living room while Dominique watched t.v. Sometimes I just want to yell at her, "don't you do anything but watch t.v.!?" TV is soooo fucking stupid I've learned. Today she was watching IQ Nation or something, where groups of people in the studio competed along with the t.v. viewers (via internet) on an IQ test. The studio groups were...
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I second all of that
So I'm in San Francisco now! Yippee! And working a pretty cool job. It's 9-5 but it seems like I'm working with good people and doing good things to change the world for the better. Plus I have my own computer and phone and no fucking cubicles...even a nice window next to my desk! They fed us interns lunch today.

Me and my girl are...
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Hey, gonna be moving around for a couple weeks...so probably no updates or lovin' from me will you receive. I'm exhausted, it's almost 2am and I got more packing to do. It's amazing how much shit one accumulates in this world. I'm excited about being in Austin and San Francisco. I'll write more eventually.

Peace and love.

good luck with the packing and the moving and all that shit cuz you know i'm going through it too *hugs*
i have some friends in the san fran area, are you moving there?
Yeah, life is unfathomably (sp?) short, so we all should love eachother. It's so fucking weird sometimes.

So I'm finally done with first year law school. And I'm thinking, how the fuck did I end up in law school in Los Angeles Ca. I think I must have chosen something really evil and therefore ended up in LA going to law school. This was totally...
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well arnt you cute
entertaining journal
I have some cool, profound, thought-provoking things to say, but I'm way fucking busy with packing. It's amazing how much STUFF I have! You don't realize how many possessions you do have until you start putting everything in boxes. Most of it is books, lots of books, many unread but possibilities, I have a lot of clothes too, and bedding stuff, and photos waiting for...
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So we just finished our biggest and most important final exam...went to a bar. Played some darts...good ol' college shit. I had a really good conversation with a classmate who is way cooler than i had thought. I will share some wisdom I learned from her tomorrow. But tonight, I'm exhausted and must sleep. The school year is pretty much over, but I got a...
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Yes! You said my finger was big!

I am "well endowed." AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!

moving to san francisco will be fun.. i am glad you are done with a huge important exam..
They say that LA men are never looking for relationships, that they don't want to commit. I had fought against becoming an "LA man," but...whether it's being here, or just where I am in life right now....I've decided that I don't want to be tied down.

I just want to experience new people, new things, be completely free to get to know a variety of...
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Damn. I feel for you, friend. Sex does complicate things. Just get out there, be your loveable self, and love will come to you when you least expect it (I'm living proof of that!).

Have you tried the Morningstar veggie bacon? It's pretty good! smile
stoopid boys.
"These dogs are dressed to the 9s, like they're dancing at the Whitehouse." --Hank Hill

Damnit, I just rammed my forehead into the open microwave door...fuckin' microwave door hinge that only goes one way. Ouch. mad
Time to get the study on...don't bother me. Okay, bother me!

*Tiptoes into your room like your mother to leave you hot cocoa and leaves*