Today i realize i fell a lot as this song

I deleted one comment myself as I pushed "enter" and it published just part of the post. Btw, I just came across one more link: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/13/ukraine-us-war-russia-john-pilger
Well, I like when she is around, but she's not often allowed to watch me shooting as watching is not enough for her, she wants to play.  =)

Thuis morning i wake up at 5.00 am to go to work. I went out from house to take my car and i discover my car was not where my girlfriend parked it yesterday night. She parked the car in a noparking zone and police take it away during the night.

I had to run to work with bicycle and in the afternoon after work,...
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And now also the video (tnks @usagimomo)

I just finish to see Her, the film.

A great film, i like it a lot...a lot! But i also find it very melancholy. It retake to the surfece some feeling and thought i began to think i had forgotten

Same here... . I got really sad too watching it
Bu in my case "a good sad" sensation @cigno . I love films that are able to move my deep emotion, whatever emotion they were made to move

Almost for sure my girlfriend will go in Germany for a work and stay there for the rest of the summer.
When she said it to me i began to feel a mix of sadness because she will be away for a lot of time, and happiness because i will have a lot of time for myself and sometimes it lacks to me.
For sure...
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Thank you!
Thanks a lot for all the compliments! =)

Weekend with people of the NoTav movement.

Demonstration on saturday in solidarity with 3 boys and 1 girl in jail from six month in isolation on maximum security regime, charged with a terrorism accuse (30 years of jail) for the destruction of a generator.

Thousands men and women of all age, children, people from very different origins from all Italy, to say we don't allow...
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grazie per questa news...per come vanno adesso le cose, spero che almeno una pulce sia arrivata all'orecchio di qualche cretino.
Qualcosina si muove in Italia, tra i giovani specialmente secondo me, ma è ancora troppo poco. Staremo a vedere, ma più la "crisi" continuerà a farsi sentire più persone saranno costrette ad aprire gli occhi. Il problema è che quando la gente capisce "tutto di botto" senza mai averci eragionato seriamente, poi si finisce per fare delle cazzate e qualcuno si fa male seriamente o ci rimane secco

A friend of mine in the next 15 days will go to Formentera to work for the summer. So today we did a surprise party in the wild, at the river, to celebrate him.

We met a lot of meat cooked on the fire, we drink a lot of wine and grappa, and we smoke a ton of weed.

When we arrive to home my...
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A friend of mine in the next 15 days will go to Formentera to work for the summer. So today we did a surprise party in the wild, at the river, to celebrate him.

We met a lot of meat cooked on the fire, we drink a lot of wine and grappa, and we smoke a ton of weed.

When we arrive to home my...
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Ok i don't post from a while, but in the meantime i'm not single again. I made peace with my girlfriend the same day that we broke up. I came back to home, i kiss her and she did'nt want to break up anymore.

It's a very strange relationship.

Now it's a good period, we don't fight anymore and we go along very well. The...
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Today i've become silgle again. Maybe it was in the air, and maybe i was delaying this moment. Maybe too many fight some month ago, and "scar" never healed.

It was not a fight or a struggle, it was like a "civil" way to breakup. It's strange, in the past i suffer much more for breaking with women with whom i share a lot less...
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I'm very antisocial in these days, i know it and i know in some more days it will go away (it's always the same at every return, even less strong every time).

The problem is I'm living with my girlfriend (because she is without house or job and very far away from her family home in this moment) and can't find moments for myself. I...
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