Day 12 of production:

Whole cast and crew has mono
I'll be astounded if my relationship makes it thorough this production
We almost got shot at on location in the south valley

Since we're all sick, we're on standby for filming until further notice.

At least all the out of towners made it through this without any aggravation.

Four more days of filming to go....
Yeah, I was off that night. Where in the South Valley were you? I could probably give you your chances of getting shot for real if you tell me . . .
3 days to last day of pre production
2 days til Gunnar Hansen gets here
1 day til I have to finish all the detail sewing done for this movie.
....and apparently I have the bird flu. I've eaten some noodles since Saturday and that's all my body has decided was worth keeping down. I'm going to make this movie if it kills me.
I want this stupid movie to get here so I can just start working on it instead of putting up with all the preparation bullshit. Blah.

That's my only negative since the last post. Everything is spiky. Pre-production is going well (it's just a loooong road). The man and the house are doing well.

Oh, and my grandfather is the best cook in the world....
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Scott was talking to Gunnar when I got home today!

How cool is that?
Pretty cool. The highlight of my last day at work was some gangbanger shot himself in the foot with an ak-47 and tried to lie about it.
As of this week, I am a film widow. My man is going out to scout locations for his movie and doing casting all week, so I am by my lonesome. frown

I have lots of things to do in the meantime, though, and I'll get to see him a little before I go to bed each night. He makes me coffee every morning too, so...
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Ah, horray and at last. The move is fini.

Now to organize and get everything settled for the next big project: Gimme Skelter. I'm going to be happy to work on this movie from a distance. Scott is brilliant and I adore him, but I'm pooped out on movies since the Dave Payne project. All I have to say is, Payne indeed.

Well better run...don't...
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Cool. Miss you.
If you have any questions about moving our way, feel free to ask anytime.
There are days when my job seriously makes me want to swallow the business end of a shotgun.

I would never-of course-I just am constantly amazed how a facility full of some of the world's most brialliant minds can be so fucked up.

Like, whoa.

The man is moving in with me. I am very happy for this. All the things I like will be...
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Yes, go you. smile

Did not trade in the bike after all. Test rod ethe new one, was very tempted, but hell, I can have the FZ paid off by the end of this year, why accrue more debt? And let's face it, the FZ rocks and the bike really is 'me'.

Still nursing a broken heart, glad yours is full of life . . . smile
Is it going to warm up here or not? I wish the weather would make up its mind.

Not a whole lot to say. I am doing more crap to the house now that the holidays are over and I have time to myself. I am excited about flushing the last remnants of my roommate's ex-wife from my abode.
It's gonna be mighty, mighty nice...
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A friend of mine was transferring music off my computer and looked through my pictures and found the pictures of you taken at the state fair. She said you were hot. You should know and feel good about it.
Viel Gluk.

Hope everyone's New Year was safe and happy. I'm thrilled that I got a chance to see a friend that will be in Iraq soon. I'm also thrilled to be so happy and stable with Mr. Phillips. A lot can happen in a year.

Yes, a lot can happen in a year. I'm in the new house, and Scratch is a little bastard. He's picking fights with Dutch.
Read my Journal.
I am tired of work.
Another 40 hour week before redemption and a sweet, sweet two weeks off for the shutdown.
I can't wait to see Izzy and spend the days with Scott just watching TV.
I love to indulge my lack of ambition.
Merry Christmas and all that Rot!
1. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before?

Moved in with a man I'm not seeing.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

Don't make resolutions. I think they're stupid. Life is about constant change and constant progress. Once a year isn't a good enough frequency to review one's self.

Resolutions that...
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I didn't know you read Watership Down again this year. smile I think it's just a wonderful, wonderful book.

I have passed all my tests. All of them. Graduation is Friday. I will most likely be getting the Academic award, and there is a chance I will get Valedictorian. Even if I do not, the class has decided that I am to give the graduation speech, which I wrote.

I wish you could be there, but the situation is what it is. I understand. I just want you to know that it would be *wonderful* for you to be there, and I know you do.

I start work Swing Shift South Valley on Monday.

I have a picture for you, the official one of me in my uniform, in a tiny frame. It is yours if you want it. Just tell me when to drop it off at work, and maybe I can get you lunch, too.

[Edited on Dec 07, 2005 5:32PM]
"Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better."
-King Whitney Jr.
*mwah* kiss