Speaking of big in Japan...

It's Tomoyasu Hotei's world. We just live in it.
Battle Without Honor or Humanity live in Tokyo 7/18/05 (via YouTube, embedded video disabled)
Time for a career change.

I think I'll just be big in Japan. Yeah, that'll do.
no need for the cheese. I have a `71 super (which, coincadently, has the autostick *intact*; mine was originally an auto) and a `70 std for parts...which have already made organ donations wink
none of the above...piqua

the town was so small and old school...the corner grocery kept all the "feminine products" behind the counter and passed them across to the customer in small brown bags.
It was fortunate that a bunch of squad cars met my board-up man.

Thursday we took about 4+ tons/~30 cubic yards of junk, trash and actual feces out of the building. 30+ labor hours, 7 people, about $1000 in labor, supplies, dumpsters, hauling and dump fees. How people live like that is utterly beyond me.

Running the crew was oddly gratifying. Giving somebody an honest...
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H.L. Mencken, meme hacking, postmoderism, orthodontia, worthy friends and adversaries--we've so many key memes in common that I bet your other readers aren't altogether privy to or necessarily into! I'll have to visit you here regularly.

The implications of this medium (is it a medium?) still blow my mind. How meetings occur and with whom--seemingly by chance alone. surreal
Of course, you are commenting on a long, submerged story, involving an RL friend (who gave me this subscription). Only the tip of the berg shows here. He didn't like the way I was "acting" in my writing, when I thought I was complimenting his poems and engaging him. It is he who kicked me out of his "e-space." I still don't understand why, but it does have something to do with jealousy. I can't say more than that without betraying him to an extent I'm not willing to, even now.

So, I need my own space to sort out his decision, without his continuing to send me hurtful email every day, without his rubbing it in and simultaneously tuning me out.

I don't think it is fair that he blocks my email, you know. And so I falter between patience on some days, and anger on others. But, what it comes down to is that he says I "mythologized" him and our "friendship" in the first place and he doesn't want anything to do with me, really. He isn't willing that I speak with my own voice in his presence. So, it really is a matter of his intolerance, not mine. Sometimes there is no choice. It isn't my baby to throw out with the bath water or to keep clean. All I can do is get my own head together about what is essentially his choice and move on.

This year I do keep coming to these sorts of impasses with supposed friends. I have to decide whether I'm willing to keep courting friendship with such continually reduced expectations and within such narrow confines of voice, or whether I'm better off to have out with honesty, my watchword, and accept that relationships don't last forever. Is friendship not founded on open exchange still friendship?

I'm a person who does "dig deep." Too deep. That is the very thing that annoys this person. So, the flick off of the switch you are seeing on my blog is a rhetorical fiat. It isn't my nature to cut. Never to cut off, preempt. I'm just too bewildered now . . . and his one-way trafficking in hurtful words isn't illuminating me.

I guess you are telling me that riding out chaos can lead to interesting, unexpected things. True, if one can meantime stand the pain. I've known this person since the early 1990s, and this conflict won't die. I'm pretty cowardly about adventures based on pain.
It's....it's alive!!!! (or so they said as I rolled out of bed this morning after a looooong weekend of R&R)

Offers of business with China over lunch and an attempt to matchmake me with a Shanghainese honey.

All in a day's work, and the day isn't close to being over yet!


Got a call from a high ranking local elected official that must remain...
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and all the drugs in the world cant save us from ourselves... there by the grace of god, living by the grace of god... with grace we shall suffer, with grace we shall recover.
This morning, before I awoke, while I lay in that lush semi-conscious state, warm beneath the covers, the first rays of the dawn filtered into my bedroom.

The shit has been hitting the fan by the shovelful and I've been actively ignoring it. La de da, la la la! Time to call the Godfather and get his advice.

After about :30 minutes of running over...
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My, my, I feel good and I don't know why!

Life is sweet!
The short answer is because a guy handed her to me.

The slightly longer answer is because I'd never met a snow fox before and she was so increadibly cute and fluffy I wanted to giver her a hug. She was docile to the point of being lethargic, and may have been drugged. Wouldn't surprise me, given the guys who owned her. They had a table at the Ice Festival and, after handing me the snow fox, surprised us by demanding money. Oh, so it goes. I gave them some RMB, but not what they asked for.

They raise them for fur, and possibly for meat, too. As the saying goes, they'll eat anything with four legs that isn't a table.
it's too bad she isn't just honoured as a compannion. she's super cute.
I'm only a bit of a youtube.com junkie these days, and it's because of the wonderful things there.

Check out Damon Zex. He had a public access tv show in Columbus, Ohio and he threw a few tons of shit in to the proverbial fan. He and I grew up on the same street and went to elementary through high school together back in the...
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Final Fantasy X sequence to Sandstorm Radio Edit. Watch for her serenity as she falls. OMFG!

Today we begin in Finland and then ride a fat data pipe to Nippon.

Anime mashup to Darude's long-form Sandstorm
Continuing our Asian musical quest, today's stop is in Punjab, the home of bhangra! OMFG!!! Here are some notable crossover hits spiced to the western pallete:

Punjabi MC, Jogi
Punjabi MC, "Beware of the Boys"
Best for last:
Bhangra Knights vs. Husan