blushspent a few hours with the person i love just kissing and cuddling, feels like im in a nice little dream where good things are happening
nothing beats having a random drinking party with friends and it ending with people trying to challenge cars to fights and wearing nothing but 1 shoe while butt naked wink
fun little weekend with my favorite boy ever definately cant wait to hang with him next week blush
feeling super good the day was pretty fun hangin out with my friends and getting weird looks in olive garden for talking about hookers and man boobs. biggrin
oh my, I love talking about random strange things in public just to see what people will do. Or walk around walmart talking on my blue tooth with my locs over my ear so people cant see it. The looks people give me are priceless!
the looks are what make it all worth it lol
frowntoday sucked so much i dont want to think about working tomorrow
this week is going by so slow i want it to hurry up and be friday so i can relax the day away
yumm cookies, and a gigantic coke this will be a nice lazy day smile
going out tomorrow i meanm today but feeling kinda ehhh at the moment frown
i love getting to be lazy it's the best thing ever next to taking adventures, dancing around with no sense, partying, and causing chaos in random places biggrin
i havent watched the guild in a long ass while but i decided to watch it again...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!! <3biggrin
Ha!! I love that show!
ugh i dont feel like going to work and dealing with people i'd rather stay in my comfy bed and sleep the day away