they say no rest for the wicked but somehow I ended up with another day off...Joy! Course I should take this opportunity to get groceries and laundry and leave the apartment...we'll just see about that.
i dropped off 37 pds of laundry at the chinese place round the corner
and only had to pay $20 bucks to have it washed, dried, and folded
for this and many many more reasons i love nyc
no place like it...living in Austin is fine except there ain't no train and there ain't no hotdog vendors
and the hour creeps closer to...fuck all...meeting hamlet's father? nah, unless this is the hour of our discontent, this is time of reckoning...when yours truly pours himself a shot of vodka, then another, then tries to peel off his skin...overly dramatic yes, of course, why not be Shakespearean at this late hour?
yaoi amuses me muchly.

as does the fact that you outgeek the dj by way of music organisation.

where do you find the time?

[Edited on May 04, 2004 9:53AM]
the time comes and goes...just need something to fill the terrible dark hours between work and sleep.

yeah...late nights with too much free time and cheap beer and idle hands...

whiskey at 6 in the morning? my hat is off to ya.

[Edited on May 04, 2004 12:02PM]
sleepy time for the bad kids and the misfit toys...late and I should toddle off to bed yet i still have beer left in the fridge and 3:45 really isn't that late...priorities my son...priorities...keep thinking that some Battle Angel Alita will find you at this loathsome hour and cure your ills...
you got some good favorites there man.
thanks daddy-o. you big '70s movie junkie?
okay...left the house...bought beer and a carton of Pall Malls (unfiltered)...sat around and bullshitted with a friend from work. Tried to get some writing done...failed miserably...came back on here...put on "Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash"...mumbling the words as I type...keep feeling a creepy ghost amputation sensation on my left ring finger...took off my wedding band yesterday...sigh...like the man said, "Ah...it's a terrible sight for a...
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five hours and a few hundred of pics later...should leave the apartment...right. even the idea of going to buy beer and smokes ain't got much of an appeal. gonna have to break down and get me one of those t.v. things...spend some time with the PS2. Excited about the new zoom lense a friend gave me yesterday. Now I just have to get off my...
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'ello... what games are you gonna play?
if i had a tv? probably a rockstar run-through...GTA III GTA VC then Manhunt...then play some Disgaea...unfortunately the ex-wife has the magic talkin' picture box...so internet here I come.

you game?

[Edited on May 03, 2004 10:39PM]
nothing to do, nowhere to go-oh...another night of playing video games and having a few too many pints...if you kids would like to see a great show, my lad's label bagged a band called the Aleph. they play what 4-11? at Elysium...fucking lame name but a decent club in Austin. Shameless plug but I got a promo of Aleph's album and it's good enough for...
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aion fulx rocks and i no thats not how u spell it but i kant spell at all