I've been staying in London and I was going jogging in Old Street at 6am, it was relatively peaceful on the streets and I would jog for a while and then go to that cemetery where William Blake is buried and meditate for a while and then I would come out of that beautiful peaceful place into the chaos. It would now be about 8...
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Blue skies bring tears
Don't you want me
As I awake the city sigh
We'll watch the seasons die
Blue skies bring tears
Take me inside your body
Cover me with your soul
To the darkest recess
Is where I wish to go
You are the sweetest flower
That I have ever devoured
thanks all of you for your birthday wishes.
I'm working for a change! But at least this is the first year in 8 that I wasn't in Las vegas, but strangely I miss my friends there.
My first present today was the spanish version of Woodey Allen collection Vol 3 inc Sleeper and Everything you wanted to know about sex.... So I had to watch...
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thanks for the birthday wish man
thanks for the birthday wish man
ok so things have slowed a littel but only 'til next week.
Then its back. I have so many cool thing sto write about.

i saw Saw and Quills and collateral and Ram Dass - Fierce Grace and I guess I'm lucky to have hit a string of cool movies except for Life Aquatic whihc just left me cold and bored.

Well thats ll gotta...
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happy birthday
Happy Birthday! smile
im too busy.
Help me stop.

I love Feist and Men At Work and The Munsters DVD I bought is the best - 40 episodes!
hey whats up man, what part of the UK down you come from?

warp records is (in my opinion) where music is going.. you could say its techno and not be mistaken. i think of it more like neo-jazz... the common name for alot of the music is IDM (Intelligent dance music)

music technology has been grow by leaps and bounds since digital hit the main stream. this music is a reflection of that fact. groups like autechre and fugue, artist like aphex twin and squarepusher have changed what you can call music. its really interesting even for passerbys... worth a look see anyway...

if you can download i would suggest:

aphex twin - richard d james
autechre - ep7
squarepusher - feed me weird things
boards of canada - music has the right to children

all are available on streaming audio on warpmart

another cool thing to look into is DNA music... that is some fucking crazy shit right there...

things in texas a stormy tonight...bound to happen once in a while.

as far as making money. fuck man i'm poor, i'm about to rejoin the military....

what do you in graphics?
as far as Bush

i'm tired of the people in control telling me that they going to do something, and then trying to find the first and easiest reason not to do. call me crazy. i'm not trying to make light of taking the lives of others. in fact thats my point.

as far as that UN resolution (which Saddam never complied with) it mentioned "WMDs" twice. i think the international media has done a bang up job trying to make us look like thieves and murders. you wanna talk about oil.... shit we have more oil in america than in iraq, thats not a bogus stat either, i worked for an oil company before christmas.... (i'm sure you've heard of yellowstone and yosemite)

i really hope this action has helped to clean up the clusterfuck that is the middle east, with as much culture and history centered right there. hell you have almost every major world religon working right there, even bhuddism. but i'm straying from the point really... the point is, the fact is that saddam is not in power and he is being forced to answer for his crimes. which i might add includes a failed assination attempt on the first Bush.
you know i really hate this international dart game people play with the USA, as we are the only superpower for the time being. its like the world wants us to take the lead in helping people and bring peace to the globe, but when we try we get one right in the eye from everyone who was patting us on the back for world war ii. eh. but here i am an american.
its like people have no sense of history really. this shit wahabism is not going to just blink out of existance just because we don't like it. furthermore its going to get much worse. its been bad since the 50's but you couldn't tell anyone that. oh no they only hate america.
i love life and i see no reason why anyone should have to do without it. but thats not the world we live in.

i'm not trying to be a dick or anything. just my view....
I just saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind and I decided I dont want to erase anyone after all.
Whats done is done.

The new music in my life is making me a happy hippy. I'm learning to play from a different perspective and its helping to free my soul. Then tonight I went to a club but i was bored, and I came...
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I like Kate Winslets hair in that movie. How are you?
I've been jamming with so many different people, DJ's, bass players, pianists. and I have two gigs this week and then they've given me a horrible cold, have to fight it

Been watching the old Hitch Hikers Guide, the graphics are cool seeing as it was years ago. Thinking of getting that Blake 7 boxed set....

Question: can you overdose on humous?

2 gigs and you invite me to only one...that hurts!
hey....just a fly by hi.....
Rollins was cool...3 hours straight. he said he made a song with William Shatner! Gotta find it.

i'm working too hard just now but its keeping my brain busy and off the negative.

(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:

(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more,...
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You are a Lucky Man! lol
The dreads, I had a dreadperm to kick mine off, then a bit of dread wax, palm rolling and neglect. Wash 'em once a week with dread soap. Check out Knotty Boy, Dreadhead HQ and the dreads group here, loads of info.

Dont watch "Closer" I did and it was just depressing. Maybe its the mood I'm in. I decided to go straight home and watch a comedy to cheer me up.. I choose Annie Hall and it was funny but I had forgotten the end and that screwed me up too.

Spain was snowing when I left but it was warmer than here.

I want to...
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I can relate....I saw closer the day it came into the theater. I had been hearing really good things about it so I went....even more depressing, by myself. I left a bit sad a bit confused and a lot disturbed.
Hah! I really don't think I could throw everything away and start again!! Although I will be sorting a lot of things out for throwing/giving away!
I've been through hell again and its been tough. Its been crazy. When will i learn?

At Xmas dinner my mother dried to serve up brandy butter sauce that was out of date slightly....best before Feb 2000. It was rank!

I've found some cool new music tho thanks to beligerent_ghoul. Lots of rock chicks!

Oh and read Life Of Pi...its horrendous and amazing.

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I'm not a huge fan of Life is Hell. It's good but I prefer some other cartoons!
hope your ok buddy, call me if you need to! oink
I've been so busy that I haven't been here for a while.

Good to see its still a cool place.

I have just seen Secretary its such a cool movie. I think films like tht are really important and I also watched Stir of Echoes again and stayed up all night on Saturday.

I'm going to see Therapy? this week twice!

Hope everyone is cool.
Thanks so much for your posting. Its nice that you will send the good mojo.
I want to see Secretary.

I am cool, thank you!

How are you?