I am in desperate need of some cheering up. Help anyone?

Idk if you even like pokemon or not but this is hilarious, feel better! 
I hope you found some cheer. @};-

I find myself scared to post my boobs on here because I'm insecure about them. I have scars from a bad time in my life and I often get nervous about being judged because of what I've done to myself in the past. It's good practice for when I want to try to be a hopeful, I suppose.

From what I've seen you have fantabulous boobage.  Don't fear the scars, every scar tells a story in your life.  But I know ultimately we are our worst critics and you have to find that inner peace with yourself.  Good luck with that, I hope you find it soon 'cause you are gorgeous and we can't get enough of ya! ;-)
You shouldn't be. They're amazing, and severely boner-inducing. I mean that.

I've been into this guy I met online for almost 3 years now. We stopped talking for awhile and it wasn't till last year in February that we reconnected. We talk almost everyday and I am more into him than I've ever been in my life. The problem? He's 3,000+ miles away and I can't get a job. He doesn't want to be in a...
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You obviously care about this person a lot, and I can't imagine that stopping. I think you should keep working towards meeting him. 
Hmmm.  This is tough because even though you obviously love him dearly and don't want to 'hold him back' you have to think about you holding yourself back, too.  What I mean is while you stay focused on him and hopefully meeting him some day you may miss the same opportunity with someone close by.  It's a tough situation and I wish I had an easy answre for you.  I guess the first question is are you even interested in getting into the local dating scene?  Also since you aren't in a relationship with him I don't see why you'd have to "leave" him.  Seems to me he's a great friend, no reason to get rid of that is there?

Body hair does not define beauty

I repeat, body hair does not define beauty.

So, using it as an insult is useless. Shave your legs? Cool? Don't shave your legs? Cool.

Don't ever let anyone try to tell you body hair is disgusting. Everyone has it, it's just been drilled into women that if you are not shaved completely you're unworthy. Stop. Just because someone...
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So many other things this applies to as well. So many facets to beauty. I choose to love and enjoy them all.

I bake when I'm stressed out or sad. I get in moods when I'm sad for no reason (one of the perks of borderline personality disorder) and I've had this in my house for a few weeks now

It sounded easy in Wal-Mart it really did. I thought it would be no big deal but it took over 40 minutes to prepare it. It ended
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It's 2014 and women are still calling each other sluts for showing some skin. When women call other women sluts it gives men the okay to call women sluts. Which only sets us back and makes women and sex a taboo subject. I am so over slut shaming because of it some women feel like they will he judged if they say they masturbate or...
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So, upon realizing I have no lingerie and I have about 4 pairs of undies I have nothing I am able to wear to submit a full body shot to apply to be a model. I cannot afford anything so I put a few things on my wishlist if anyone wants to help me.

The link is here!


if anyone wants to follow me on any of these sites






So, I'm still trying to lose 40 more lbs but I had to take a break from walking/running everyday because I somehow hurt my knee. It was only a week and a half break and I got so excited to get back into my workout routine of 5-6 miles and then small workouts to keep my heart rate up. I started back Monday and just...
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Shit. Hope it get's better soon (both issues).
Thank you ♥@drwhosit

This has been bugging me for awhile now so why not let out my frustrations in a blog. The amazing thing about the internet is that I have met some pretty great people on here, tumblr, and twitter. Some I've grown attached to. The shitty thing is that with the power of the internet you feel invincible (especially on tumblr with the whole anonymous ask...
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Thats why I don't use tumblr got tired of people being dicks with their keyboard courage and even if i'm there I turned off that function.  Who could say anything negative about Riae? She's amazing
People can be assholes. I'll never understand why people say anything if it's not productive, what's the point? It makes THEM out to look like an idiot and makes people feel bad. At least within the safety of SG, there's way WAY less of that crap. You'll still get creeps because of the nature of the website, and the world in general. You gotta ignore the creeps and assholes and focus on all those nice friends you've made while you're here. We all love a good rant and I love the fact that we can all come together here because the majority of us feel the same. You are a gorgeous girl and I can't wait to see your first set ;) <3