Wow. I'm boring. Haven't done much other than work for the last couple of days. I watched the Rules of Attraction finally tonight. I'm going to have to read something by this Easton Ellis guy that wrote it and American Psycho, cause both are damn good.

I've got the next 72 hours off though. Woohoo! My brother-in-law and I are having Thanksgiving cuz my wife...
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i never saw rules of attraction but i will go out and rent it with your recomendation, i loved american psycho, i laughed, i crried, all in all, i thought it was the perfect success story. smile
Does Crank Yankers count as reality TV?
Slow weekend around here. I've been alternately playing Parasite Eve, DOA 2, and the PS 1 version of Italian Job most of the weekend. Still did a little bit of game work though.

I'm working my but off the next couple of days in McHell, but I get off Tuesday at 2 pm and don't have to be back until Friday at 4, so I'm...
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whoa, serious gamer...
last time i played nintendo was duck hunt.
Not much to report on my front. Wrestling d20 continues, still with no title. McHell still blows, but at least I have tomorrow off. 24 days and counting...

Champion City is kinda on the back burner while I'm working on d20, though I'm fleshing out the characters and the history of the city as I go.

d20 wrestling omg, Ill stick with my d&d
So are you going to playtest the d20 wrestling game?

Names are tough to come up with, perhaps naming it after the era you like, or calling it Squared Circle or Crimson Mask or some other old wrestling cliche would work.
Work on wrestling d20 continues, though I have yet to come up with a good name for it. I've got the basic systems worked out, but I need to flesh out some more feats, skills, and decide what d20 material to completely throw out/replace. Again, any name help would be greatly appreciated...

In other news, my time in McHell is soon to come to end....
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haha no do it! smash thru a wall yelling KOOL AID. it'll be funny and i will be sooooooooo impressed. wink
have you ever seen that comedian dane cook do his kool aid bit??? its fucking hilarious.
why iowa???
Life's shaping up fairly well again. I'm working on my wrestling d20 game right now. Anyone have any ideas for a title? Nothing derivative of WWE as I'm not looking to get sued today.

Otherwise, life is dull and uncomplicated, but not overly crappy.
Aw, puppy...no more crappiness. I'll fetch you some dung beetles to clean up the place. wink
Sorry man, i'm drawing a blank on the game title thing.

Too many shots to the head maybe.

Dur...*makes a Sloth from the Goonies face*
Okay, the manic depressive section of my weekend is all starting to fade. Life still pretty much sucks though. I spent most of the time vegging in front of the TV while reading a whole bunch of Marvels, mostly bad ones. Can't figure why the hell I used to buy all that shit. Somehow it made me feel better though.

In other news, I really...
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I remember when I used to buy comics, I just liked pretending underwear gave people super powers.
The promotion i work for is called the M.T.W.A. and is based out of the Sparta, TN. area.

We do shows all around the area here in middle TN.

You can check out their website at M.T.W.A.

Both of the finishes we worked on our matches last night were very good if i do say so myself, and i do. In the one with my buddy Jamie i left my cane ( which has a silver skull with red eyes on it ) on one side of the ring and went to the other side and distracted the ref while Jamie got the cane and used it to perform a clothesline on his opponent, then i let go of the ref and we got the 1-2-3. Jamie won their U.S. title, or whatever it is they call it there.
In the other one that was with Promo, Frost got slung into the corner and when Promo came in to give him the "Mafia Kick" Frost grabbed the ref and he took it instead. Then Promo stood there in shock for a second and when he went back at Frost i jumped up on the apron and took a load of baby powder out of my pocket and while tearing it open, held it behind my back. Promo came over to me and grabbed me like he was gonna punch me and i held my free arm with the powder back and up so that he could clearly see what was coming. He ducked my throw and i got my man Frost instead but when he came up from ducking i grabbed his head and dropped of the apron thus catching his throat on the top rope.
That was when Frost grabbed him, gave him a couple of chops while backing him into the ropes oppisite to me and i grabbed our heavyweight title belt. When Frost slung Promo into the side i was waiting on i hit Promo in the small of the back with the belt and Frost caught him as i slid the belt into the ring where Frost dropped Promo onto it using a "Tiger Driver". I then went and woke up the ref and made him count the 1-2-3. It was both brutal and beautiful.
It's days like this, with my family and friends shitting all over me, that make me wonder what is the fucking point of my shitty life.

Fuck it.
Days like that come and go brother, keep your head down and you won't choke on the shit.

Of course, sometimes you do gotta say fuck it.
fuck it with a big hairy dillrod! i understand, my mother only communicates with me to let me know what a shitty daughter i am. it sucks, what can you do, i just get a case of tacate beer, and a bunch of limes adn watch comedy central till its funny or till i puke puke
Fast Food Hell has been kicking my ass for the last few days. I got off at 7 tonight and have to go straight back to work tomorrow morning at 4 fuckin' 30. But I don't have to be back until Sunday afternoon, so I guess I'm okay with that.

Writing has stalled because of need for sleep, (Damn those sheep!) but work will surely...
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Sheep? Hell, i always see Bee Arthur naked. Just me?
Fast Food *shivers*

Baaad flashbacks . . . Get out while you still can!!
Well, my work continues on the development of Champion City. I've got the premise layed out, now I'm trying to get a feel for the city and some of the supers who live there. I have decided on my main players though, and I think it's shaping up to be a pretty entertaining read.

Writing will be stalled tonight by my return to fast...
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I appreciates the support brother.

Give me a shout on your book, man. I'd love to hear about it. If you need to talk about anything like, say character creation/development/motivation, those are some of my strong points. Well, that and i just wanna hear the plot you're cooking up.
I thought Champion City was the city in Mystery Men?
Well, work has begun on Champion City, my novel. It's a mosaic novel featuring several characters interacting through out. If I can pull it off I think it will be pretty good. I'm currently trying to slim the cast down to only six focal characters and am having problems with that, but I think it'll come out all right.

Anyone interested in giving me some...
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Make one of the antagonists a midget. I'm telling you man, they're worth their weight in gold.
Even better! you should name the gorilla after me.
Is it odd that I'm writing a comic book about real life and a novel about superheroes?

Yeah, not doing too much else today. Actually been sorting out comics. Been fiddling around with some art (I still suck at drawing) while putting together a few ideas for the novel.

I'm also thinking about putting together a d20 RPG setting I've had in mind for awhile...
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I have a copy of All Star Wrestling Federation, a wrestling RPG made by the out of business Afterthought Images.

It wasn't widely distributed and didn't make it that far out of the Pacific Northwest.

Wrestling RPGS are very interesting, then again there are always those card games like Champions of the Galaxy. Someone else designed a new wrestling RPG called Kayfabe and there are several others out there that were used in certain e-wrestling federations.
I say that's some of the best stuff. Sneak me peeks of your superhero novel! That's such a great idea. smile
Wow, feeling really unmotivated and directionless today.

I'm on a three day weekend I took to spend with my wife, but she had to be in Iowa for the weekend, so I'm stuck alone in an empty house. I spent all last night playing the new Smackdown game for PS2. Now I'm hanging around the house, trying to catch up on some reading. My life...
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about 30 degrees. drunk or not, that's just too damn cold.
I know what you mean. On the one hand i work with these guys who have been making the rounds on the indepent circuit for the last 15 years and i think to myself "holy shit, no way, man." and then on the other hand i know now that i'll never be able to walk away from it . It's in my blood. In that respect i'm basically fucked.