Uwe Boll MUST DIE!!

To all my friends on SG and anyone who loves movies and movies about video games, please sign this petition.


If you don't know who he is, look him up on IMDB. He has left a path of destruction though the properties and themes we so love and cherish. Make the madness stop. Sign and he might actually quit. whatever

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I can think of a few others that need a petition as well.

yeah, those mango smoothies is yummers, huh?

and I've signed it! ^_~ Hope you are well.

Making another hole in the ground in Runge, TX. About time, been waiting for almost a month for a new well to work. Lots of exciting stuff happened. Great Christmas, lots of presents and memories, kids loved their stuff and gave lots of hugs. Had my heart broken and no kiss for the season, le sigh. (rolls eyes) tongue

But, there is work, and the...
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We'd love to see your art. Check out the Fanart group. We love new blood, and we do Art Jams every 2 weeks.

Thanks so much for your kind words on my Palace of Wonders set. It makes a difference.
I hope they change their mind about it. Brooklyn and i put so much work into it: we'd love to get paid for it.

Thanks again!