Was in North Carolina over the weekend. Played the worst ultimate frisbee of my life. I am so fucking brutal.

In other news: I am happy that it is fall. I am in love with the cool wind through the dry trees, carrying their gentle spice down to me. I close my eyes and smile when it catches up to me, offering a little nudge,...
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Today I am a man: I got my first ever rejection letter from a professional philosophy journal.

I have been living in Maryland for almost 3 weeks now. School is awesome. That is all.
that's awesome. i hope it's going well for you. school here is good. it would be better if i wasn't working so much!!

how's your bro? tell him i say hi.

At last night's summer soltice party I had a bit of an anxiety attack. Man was I freaking out. Despite the fact that I was not, it felt like I had gotten dumped. Fuck. Damn. Shit.
I I accepted an offer today to begin my Ph.D in Philosophy at the University of Maryland. Most likely, I will end up living in Washington DC. This is possibly the single greatest thing (next to sex of course) that has ever happened to me. All smiles.
thats awesome i just switched my major to philosophy! now i have a reason to go back to school! good luck!!

oh and my roomie would probably be better off with a good drivers ed instructor....but she has good beer and good food in the mean time smile
It is important to know not so much WHO you are as WHAT you are.

I do.

Or at least what I am made of: fire and stone.

Once upon a time this would be called my temperment.
So I was reading an article today at www.rawstory.com (AWESOME news site, by the way), which had the following title:

"Wars lead to fewer gay discharges"

Is it just me, or is this headline fucking hilarious?
It's not just you.

So Boston and Providence were both tons of fun. I consumed large amounts of booze. Who ever thought of pint G&Ts was a genius! At least, I thought so until I woke up the next morning. Met someone from SG, but I would rather not kiss and tell while down sout, but I would rather not kiss and tell. wink.

God I hope I...
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Ok...I am sorry. My last post was pretty harsh. What can I say, I was having a bad day. I wouldn't say I am recanting. Only admitting that I, myself, am also lame. smile

In other news: I will be in Boston a week tomorrow, then Providence. Gone four about 8 days total. I already have appointments with two Harvard profs the day I get there....
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How was Boston??