Hey, hey, SGland!
So, it’s been a while, and for that, I do apologize—though it is for solid reasons.
I don’t like to share a ton outside of my professional life, but right now I could really use some support… as my dad who already has COPD, Gastroparesis, GERD, Mouth/Lung Cancer—now may have Colon Cancer and is in and out of the hospital for urgent...
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Wow, that's a load of very serious issues. It sounds like you're close to the old boy and I'm so very sorry that time with him may be short. My dad's been gone for years but I miss him every day. That is of course the natural order of things and since he knew how much I loved him, at least there's no agonizing guilt over things left unsaid. I think my biggest fear as an adult was having something happen to me so that my parents would be left to grieve. That is surely the worst pain that life can impose and at least your dad is not facing that horror. Having such a fine daughter has to be great comfort for him.
Hey SGland!
How’s it going, since its been so long it seems like since I was last able to be on, I swear it was not for nothing though!
I ended up, somehow without leaving my house, developed the latest Omicron strain of Covid.
All I gotta say is fuck that shit completely and unpolitely.
It exacerbated essentially every physical and mental illness in my...
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It’s good you back
Ultra sexy 🖤🖤🖤❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Hey SGland!
How’s it been going for everyone?
I just wanted to give a little bit of an update as to how I have been doing, honestly.
And the answer? Not the greatest…
But, I am making it through, and getting by—day by fucking day.
I don’t think I have formally said it, though most of you can probably guess what I am about to...
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One day at a time …. All we can do
Hello SGland!
How has everyone been, I’m sorry to have been M.I.A. for as long as I had been, but when life calls… your best answer is what I have learned.

Sometimes you just have to take time for yourself, you know?
Amazing things begin to take place when you give yourself time to simply breathe away from social media for a few days, trust
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Couple things that picture is fucking hot love the little plug so fucking sexy 😍 and i really enjoyed you writing and poem

I fucking did the thing!
I have about a five-novel series mapped out from my first WIP, but this is my winning progress for my first novel in my interactive NA-Psychological Horror series—Enchanted Luciferse!
I am going to be honest when I say I have legitimately never even written a story in my life up until October, or rather the end of it.
Kind of
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In celebration of reaching over 50k WC in 13 days, I now present to you... Elemental Enchantress Excerpt #21
“You again?! What the hell is going on?! Am I dreaming again?!” Lilith demanded answers, as her anxiety skyrocketed from her remembering her first encounter with Abadon, who had bargained for her soul— but Lilith’s desire did not quite play out as she...
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Hiiiii SGland!♡

Todays update will be a quick one, as I am presently trying to cope with a now 3+ month long depressive episode, and that was preceeded by a literal 6 month manic episode, so...

This week I have been trying to teach myself to take the time I need for me, instead of arriving myself to publishing all the time.

This is super...
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