On Facebook (finally) as Daryl Rybotycki. Don't be shy, Friend Me boys and girls!

Work is swamped!

I have roughly $80,000 in 33 Computers to build now and I can't because we are so short staffed at work; understaffed, made worse with vacations and people off under doctor's orders!!!

My paycheck is under siege! eeek
Lets try this again; I am back! biggrin

Had to buy a new PC to get a browser that could come to SG again! It all started when IE7 decided it was a Critical Update that had to install itself on my last PC. Since then, all the browsers I can find would not load SG, giving me a 404: Page Not Found Error... eeek

I missed...
Read More
You came back! I'm so very glad.

Yay, good to see you around again!! kiss

I am having problems getting here from my home PC, so I am blogging from a friends right now...

LOTUS helped me send in a message to tech support so I can get my problem fixed and catch up with everyone....

See you all soon!!!
Lotus gave me her password and now she has TOTAL CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And she's better than a fairy princess, and waaaaaaay hotter.
ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa
Well I know how you feel, for the last week my rogers portable service went crazy and wouldnt let me leave their registration pages, even though I had been using the service for almost 2 months!
At any rate even when they found the fix, they had the wrong modem item # so it wasnt being applied to my modem!
In celebration I have been nursing back to health the relationship I have with my computer with a good 12 hours straight of quality time.
I hope Santa was good to all, especially since we were all do bad in 2006... wink

No idea what to do on New Years yet... whatever
Ok I I posted what I got for Xmas now you must do the same, I have a feeling it will be some electornic device that will make me burn with jealousy.. mad mad mad
smile Happy Holidays! smile

So, at the Office Christmas Party tonight, I cleaned up the No Limit Texas Hold'em Table. I mean, I was the Last Man Standing!

Now they will be afraid to play Poker with me!

Heh heh heh...

Well how much did you clear off these sucka.....I mean esteemed fellow working collegues of yours?
I hope it was at least in the double digits, as it might be a while before you get invited to another workplace gambling session of texas holdem!
FIREFLY MMORPG Announced! biggrin

"Like Capt. Mal Reynolds stumbling in after a bar fight, the short-lived but much beloved sci-fi series Firefly will soon make an unexpected return, not as a TV show, but as a massively multiplayer online game."

Lets Be Bad Guys!
Phew! eeek

My second consecutive day off today, after eight straight!

Got to love my chosen profession... smile

Its going above zero again... smile
Meh A minor inconveniance of a computer in peices at the moment with my move to a new place only makes it SEEM like I dont post alot, but in fact I am accumulating posting mass by the second and will go critical and you will soon wish somebody had broken my fingers......that unless I start playing galactic civilization which could quite easily draw posting mass away from its critical point.........
FUCK! eeek

Its too Damn cold for this time of year!!! mad
Yeah, it's 12 degrees here.
LOL I didnt think I would ever live to see the day a canadian would utter those words in the middle of winter, but its true we have had such snowless above -10 winters in consecutive I was wondering if we were ever gonna experience an extended cold snap with snow again!
Dont worry , littel elves keep telling me that the christmas chinook is on its way, hohoho skull

It feels good to be back in the Gym!

Nothing much to say, but it has been 3 weeks since my last confession... err post! eeek