so yeah, what's new?

let's see...

girlfriend went back to her old ways, fucked around again as well.

had to leave, took all my stuff, said goodbye to the baby. i'm a dad no more.

i'm sore and ill from moving. i think i gave myself flu like symptoms from the stress.

i'm probably losing my job thursday since i calle din unable to move...
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i totally changed my name. sweet.

icehouse rocks as well.


ps whomever recorded this is GOD.

okay. gonna try something on here. i noticed a "code" tag insertifieron the menu below.

i just happened to have uploaded an updated version of an inferiorbeats song with better piano and strings.

so, here, is my grand experiment.

<embed style="width:400px; height:80px;" wmode="opaque" bgcolor="#ffffff" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://audio.xanga.com/mp3embedplayer.swf?i=260961&m=f8e73"> </embed>

now let's see if it works.


wow. i guess when they said "code" they reall yjust meant...
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no50 said:

Zarth said:
Only if by "punk" you actually mean "blindly contrarian with no conscious thought."

have you been to punk shows lately?

One of us is clearly being sarcastic. Now if I can just figure who, I'll be able to tell who won.

holy fuck, rob's making more than one post in a two-week period!


so i'm listening to city of caterpillar (A-fucking-MAZING)

and reading stuff.

i used to say similar things to what i am about to say back when i was delusional with grandeur and had people to laugh at in abundance.

sadly, similar times are here. not that i'm delusional anymore (i take pills...
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oh my gawd, rob, you're so TOTALLY right!
so yeah, update time.

the show went okay. we were told we'd have a half hour to play and the two and a half hour drive for that seemed a little out of wack, but we arrived and two bands cancelled so we played an almust full set at one hour. we got to do all the good songs we love, plus the other ones...
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welp, updatey time.

i've got a vacation day friday, going an hour and a half south to quincy, MO to play a show. my best friend in since third grade, norm, is coming to town from nashville with his wife, chrissy.

i'm excited for this weekend. four days, good friends, and i'm going to propose to emily this saturday night.

in other news, here's a...
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congratulations!!!! she is soooooooooo cute! love